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⬜⬜⬜ Reid's POV ⬜⬜⬜

Sunlight was shining on my eyes. It was about six thirty in the morning and I haven't slept an ounce. And what's even worse, from what's left of a few broken windows, frost lined the jagged edges. And that means I'm nearly frozen to death. Well, that's an overstatement, I just feel as if I were outside for a while on a snowy winter day.

Jade was sleeping. She looked so nice as she slept. The wrinkle in her forehead disappeared and her face seemed more childlike and innocent. Her eyelids fluttered as she dreamt. Long lashes lined her eyes. They were almost unbelievably real, but not a trace of makeup was on her face.

As I studied her face, something inside of me...fluttered? That's sounds ridiculous but that's the only word I could conjure up to describe the foreign sensation. I should be scared, or maybe even upset but I was fine. Something about Jade comforted me. That can't be possible. I couldn't actually feel something for my kidnapper.

⬛⬛⬛ Jade's POV ⬛⬛⬛

Ugh. Fucking sunlight. I should've put some kind of makeshift curtain over the broken windows. I could've slept longer then. Damn it.

I lifted myself off the wooden plank and rubbed my eyes. My arms reached out, stretching my muscles.

"I'm hungry." I turned around and Reid was sitting there. Not like I didn't expect him to still be there it's just he looked exactly the way he did yesterday. No bed head, clothes still perfect and wrinkle free. He looked perfect.

"Um, okay. What do you want?" I asked as I yawned. He looked as if he were in deep thought and shrugged.

"What did your friend get?"

I groaned and got up from the floor. I opened up one of the paper bags and examined the food. "Well, there's apples, grapes, tortilla chips, granola bars, bread, nutella, wat-"

"Nutella?" Reid cut me off. I looked at him and saw him trying to fight a smile.

I giggled. "Yeah, nutella," I confirmed. "You want some?" I asked.

"On some bread, please?" He sweetly asked. I nodded and opened the cocoa spread. I pulled the bread out and prepared a nutella sandwich for him.

I walked over to him and awkwardly stood there. "Am I supposed to, like, feed you?" I asked.

He looked at his tied hands. "I suppose. Unless you choose to untie me."

I laughed. "Nice try."

I raised the sandwich to his mouth and waited for him to take a bite.

He leaned forward and bit as I presumed he would. Bit by bit, I fed him the sandwich. Honestly, this felt a little foolish. I can't even imagine how Reid felt.

Once he finished, I helped him drink a bottle of lukewarm water. That seemed to satisfy him.

"So, Reid-"

"You could call me Spencer or Spence. W-Whatever you're comfortable with," he stuttered.

"Oh, so Reid isn't your name?" I asked him, chuckling at my slight embarrassment.

"No, it is. But it's my last name," he lightly smiled.

God, his smile was adorable. Wait, shit, no. I can't actually like him.

I backed up, trying to make as much space between us as possible. Being the smooth person I am, I backed over a broken box and fell down.


"Language!" Reid scolded me. I rubbed my head as if that'd soothe the pain as I glared at Reid.

"Don't tell me what to do," I angrily spat. I hastily got off the floor and moved over to the bag of food. I pulled out an apple and started eating it as if I were mad at it.

"Jeez, calm down," Reid quietly muttered. I'm guessing he didn't think I'd heard.

"Calm down?!" I yelled. His eyes widened, showing his fear.

"S-Sorry," he stuttered out. Seeing him so afraid made me feel bad. Shit.

I calmed myself down and slouched into a chair. "Whatever."

We spent the next few minutes in silence. Oddly enough, it wasn't uncomfortable like it had been before.

"Jade?" Reid quietly asked. I looked at him and his gentle eyes connected with mine.


"Why did you take me?" He asked. Oh.

"Well...I don't really know, honestly. I- I don't know..." I trailed off.

"There has to be some reason."

"I don't know!"


"Drop it! I don't know why I fucking took you so just leave it alone!" I screamed. Once again I saw the fear in his eyes. "Sorry," I quietly whispered.

He looked up, surprised. "Wha- I mean, it's okay," he smiled. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of his pure happiness. It was beautiful.

⬜⬜⬜ Reid's POV ⬜⬜⬜

Jade was beautiful. I couldn't deny that. I didn't know exactly what about her made me feel this way. Maybe it was the way her short black hair was so effortlessly perfect. Or the way her green eyes sparkled when she talked. Or her coy smile. I don't know, but one thing I know for certain is that I haven't felt this way since Maeve.

Edited 12/13/16

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