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"You really like me?" I asked again for verification. He smiled as a light blush grew across his cheeks.

"Yes, I do."

I bit my lip to try and refrain myself from smiling, but the blush on my cheeks pretty much gave my feelings away.

"So, do you like me too?" He asked. My eyes met his. I could see he was nervous and worried with what I would answer.

Immediately my mind screamed yes. Hell, I wanted to scream from the rooftop that I actually felt something similar to love for a guy. But I couldn't love him. It's dangerous. Zane would hurt him. I can't like him.

"Spencer," I started off. His smile fell and his eyelids closed. "I- It's dangerous. You could get hurt-"

"I don't care, Jade!" He yelled. His voice was stern and loud causing me to flinch.

"But, Reid-"

"No! I've felt this way before but it was taken away! I don't want love to escape me again! I won't allow it!"


"Jade, just please. I know you must feel something for me-"

"Let me talk!" I yelled. The room fell silent. Our breathing was loud and rough almost as if we've both just ran a mile.

"Spencer, I do care for you. I can't believe I actually feel something for you-"

"Thanks," he sarcastically muttered. I rolled my eyes and continued to talk.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I do like you. A lot actually. I'm just afraid you'll get hurt."

"But my team could help us. If you just explain what happened-"

"No, please no! I can't get caught, just please spencer don't make me turn myself in!" I nearly pleaded. Tears lined my eyes as the scenarios in my head played out. I'd definitely die. Or be put in jail for a while. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

Tears started falling from my eyes. Reid tightened his arms around me in a comforting hug.

"Shhh, it's okay. I won't force you to do anything you wouldn't want to do." His fingers ran through my hair causing my hysteric sobs to slow down.

"I'm scared," I finally admitted.

"Who's Zane?" He asked me. I knew he'd ask this eventually.

"He's.....he's my husband."

"H-Husband?!" Reid yelled. Tears were starting to line my eyes.

"Please, let me ex-"

"Jade! Are you crazy?! What the hell do you mean husband?!" He continued to scream.

Now tears were running down my cheeks. "Spence, please let me explain."

"-Husband. Of course! I could never have a relationship. Why didn't you tell me?!"

"God damn it! Just let me fucking explain!" I shouted as tears poured from my eyes.

Reid finally noticed me crying and hugged me. If it were anyone else, I'd push them away and scream at them but it's him. I couldn't do that.

"I'm sorry," he gently whispered. I cried into his shirt as he ran his fingers through my hair.

It took me a while to calm down. But now here Reid and I were, sitting on the floor in each other's arms.

"So, who is he?" Reid asked. My eyes were fixated on a small crack in the wall. Tears stained my cheeks.

"He's a tornado. He sweeps everything from underneath you and leaves you scared and with nothing." My voice was hoarse from crying so much.

"I'm sorry."

I weakly laughed. "I don't even remember us getting married."

He looked down at me. "What do you mean?"

"He got me drunk. We were both 21 and being stupid. I don't even remember anything," I pathetically muttered.

"Jeez, Jade. You don't deserve that," he whispered.

"That's not even the worst part. After a few months, I noticed he was being weird. He'd be gone for hours at a time, his temper would give me whiplash. He was so secretive," I laughed. "I should've known."

"Should've known what, baby?" He asked me. My stomach fluttered at the pet name.

A faint smile free on my lips but disappeared as soon as I remembered what we were talking about. "He was a murderer."

Edited 12/13/16.

I'm aware it goes from chapter 6 to chapter 8. I'll fix it as soon as possible

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