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Fear. Something you're not supposed to feel around your significant other. They're supposed to make you feel safe, content. But right now, I was feeling the exact opposite of that. I didn't know what to do.

"Those FBI agents really hooked you up with a nice place," he smirked and glanced around the room.

"Zane," I whispered. Don't show him fear, act normal. "Z-Zane, baby, what are you doing here?" I asked him. Bile rose to the back of my throat just calling him baby. It made me feel disgusting.

"Oh, Jadey, I think we both know you lost the right to call me baby the minute you talked to the police." He was still using the menacing sweet tone with me.

"I think we both know you lost the right to call me Jadey the minute you started to abuse me," I stood up to him. I didn't mean to raise my voice but I did, causing him to stand up.

"Don't you dare yell at me!" He screamed. A lump in my throat grew making me feel helpless.


"No, Jade! I'm fucking sick of you thinking I don't treat you right when everyone knows I treat you like a fucking princess!" He continued to scream.

"Zane, you hit me! You make me do things I don't want to do! That's not how you're supposed to treat the person you're married to!" I yelled back. His hand came up and slapped me across the face. The force was enough to send me falling on the ground.

"You ungrateful little bitch," he said in a low tone. It almost sounded like a growl.

The combat boot he was wearing came in contact with my stomach at extreme force. Tears lined my eyes threatening to show weakness.

"I'm fucking sick of you complaining!" He yelled and kicked me again.

"Reid!" I quietly called out as Zane continued to assault me. I repeatedly said Reid's name as he slapped me, punched me and kicked me.

"Are you seriously crying?!" Zane aggressively yelled.

He forcibly pulled me up by my hair and threw me onto the bed. I heard a metal sound and then an excruciating pain erupted throughout my stomach.

"Reid," I quietly whispered. Zane's knife went into the air again and jabbed into my stomach once more. "Reid," I whispered once more as black dots clouded my vision as I passed out.

⬜⬜⬜ Reid's POV ⬜⬜⬜

I nervously bit my nails as I stared at the bulletin board which held all the pictures of the people Jade's "husband" killed.

"Do you think she's okay?" I suddenly asked Garcia. She looked at me and smiled.

"She has to be. You left her an hour ago," she tried to reassure me but failed doing so.

"I don't know I just have this weird feeling..." I trailed off.

"Reid, go check on her. We don't need you here right now and she needs someone there to keep her safe," Hotch said. I quickly took my jacket off the back of one of the chairs and wrapped it around me.

"Thank you!" I yelled as I ran, well tried to run, towards the door.

I got inside one of the cars and put the key into the ignition. The car hummed as it started up and I backed out of the parking space.

Block after block I grew more nervous. Something just wasn't sitting right with leaving Jade alone.

I turned the siren on and started to speed down the blocks. As I passed one street, a man completely dressed in black caught my eye. Like everything was in slow motion, our eyes met each other's and I instantly recognized him. It was him. Jade's husband.

I sped down the last few streets and didn't even bother parking correctly. I ran into the building and started bounding up the stairs.

I couldn't get there fast enough. Anxiety pulsed through me with every heartbeat. Something was wrong. Very wrong. I took my phone out and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asked.

I'm an FBI agent and you need to send an ambulance to Crystal Vista Inn and make sure they come to room 362 immediately. Someone is in critical condition," I quickly spoke. Without another word I hung up and jogged down the hall.

Room 360....Room 361....Room 362! I let out a breath and turned the doorknob.

Edited 12/14/16

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