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⬛️⬛️⬛️ Jade's POV ⬛️⬛️⬛️

The first emotion I felt was anger, of course. How could my supposedly "best friend" do this to me? Literally, the only person besides Reid I could trust.

"W-What?" I asked her breathlessly even though I had heard her the first time.

Tears wet her cheeks. "Jadey, I'm -"

"No," I sternly spoke despite my hoarse voice. She looked at me and I could tell she was heartbroken. "No! You don't get to call me that! That nickname is for people who love me and care about me!" My voice was shaky and tears streamed down my face.

Reid stood in the corner of the room looking quite awkward. I felt bad for putting him in such an uncomfortable situation.

"But I didn't know-"

I bitterly laughed. "You didn't know!? What the fuck do you mean you didn't know!? Olivia, I know you're not the smartest person but-"

"Damn it, Jade! Just let me fucking speak for once in my life! You never ever let me say or explain anything!" Olivia screamed.

Reid's face was priceless and I couldn't imagine mine looked much different in all honesty. I pursed my lips and crossed my arms. "You have five minutes or I'm calling for help." I warned.

She smiled and sat down next to my bed. "Okay so I got this phone call from an unknown number so I answered it. I heard heavy breathing then someone pretended to be related to you so I naturally gave them your hotel info but then I realized you didn't have any family members close to you so then I panicked but like I didn't know what to do or who that was so maybe it was someone that was close to you and they wanted to check on you so I didn't sweat it, but then I recognized his voice and tried to call you to tell you but you didn't answer so I phoned every hospital in a twenty mile radius and when I finally found you, my heart sunk and I couldn't even breathe so please, just please, forgive me."

I looked over at Reid to see what he was thinking about her explanation. He looked so awkward and cute, I could tell he didn't know what to say to me about it.

"I'm not really sure if I trust you about this," I honestly said.

"That's completely understandable. I just wanted to tell you that. I'm really sorry.

You know I love you and have ever since we first met. You're the closest thing I have to a sister and I could never hurt you intentionally."

I still sat there with my lips pursed and my arms crossed. A tear fell from her eye and down her cheek. I wanted to forgive her but I just couldn't find the words to say. And just like that, she stood up and left the hospital room without a word. Reid came over to me and hugged me tightly. I didn't hold back the stream of tears coming from my eyes.

"Jade," Reid quietly said. I looked up into his beautiful, brown eyes.

"How?" I asked him.

Confusion wiped over his beautifully sculpted features. "How what?"

I wiped my tears and weakly chuckled. "How are you so special to me? How is there this weird connection between us where I feel as if I could tell you anything? A few weeks ago, we didn't know of each other's existence, but now, I can't imagine living in a world without you."

He smiled. The warmth in my chest he only gives me radiated throughout my body. His smile, his smile could be photographed and hung in the louvre and people could just stare in awe at its sheer perfection and beauty. His eyes, even though they looked like typical eyes, his held a beautiful story, and with one look, he's become my favorite book. His voice, it was so smooth and had a distinct sound to it but it was so goddamn special to me. He was so goddamn special to me.

"Jade, in all honesty, I feel the exact same way. Before I had met you, I actually was in love, but I lost her. I was undeniably devastated and I couldn't imagine finding another person that could ignite that feeling inside of me again. But, luckily, I found you. You make me happy and feel special and, I don't even know how to describe the other feeling you make me. I just know that I don't want to lose you and I will make sure I won't."

I would've never guessed in a million years that I'd feel this way about someone. He's just a stupid brown haired with brown eyes but he's more addicting to me than any other drug that exists.

Edited 12/14/16

This chapter is hella corny oh wow. I apologize if it is at all cringey.

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