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I was lying on a cold, hard wooden board. It must have been at least one in the morning. I couldn't sleep at all. I knew Reid was either sleeping or just not talking or making any noise. My bet was on sleeping.

I sighed to myself. This whole thing will be very boring despite my company. I can't watch TV, I can't go on my phone, I can't do anything! I'm a fucking screw-up that can't do anything right. I deserve everything that happens to me.


I poked my head up and saw Reid who was wide awake. Well, so much for sleeping.

"What?" I curtly responded. I didn't want to be mean to him but I couldn't show I had feelings for him. It'd just ruin everything.

"It's a little cold and-"

"So?" I cut him off.

"Is there maybe a blanket? Or something that could maybe warm me up?" He asked.

I laughed. "Seriously?" I asked him.

He hesitated. "Um...yeah." His statement sounded more like a question.

"You're asking me for a fucking blanket?"

This time, he laughed. "What? Would it be too considerate of you to give me a blanket? Would it show that you aren't as cruel as everyone thinks you are?"

I was shocked at his outburst. Typically, that wouldn't be considered an outburst but that's pretty much the most he's talked since we've gotten here.

"Excuse you?" I was astonished.

"Jade, you aren't murderer. It may say you have killed people, but I know you didn't."

I scoffed. "What do you know?" I rhetorically asked. In all honesty, he was right. I never killed anyone but sometimes I had to do other people's dirty work, but there was no way in hell I would tell him he's right.

"Actually a lot." I could practically hear his smirk.

"Reid, just shut up and go to sleep!" I screamed.

"H-How do you know my name?" He didn't sound nervous as much as he sounded confused.

"Because someone called after you after I punched you."


"And it's on your ID card," I said, smirking. I looked at him and his cheeks were flushed pink.

"Oh," he repeated.

"Oh," I mocked him.

He chuckled. "Perhaps 'Oh.' could be our always?"

Laughter poured from my mouth at his quotation of The Fault in Our Stars.

"You did not just quote The Fault In Our Stars!" I said between laughs. He joined me in the laughter.

"Garcia- I mean, one of my friends made me read it. She said it was the best book ever." We both laughed.

Our laughter died down leaving us in an awkward silence.

My ears focused on the noises outside. Crickets chirping, leaves blowing in the wind, and animals frolicking about. I peeked out the broken window and saw the stars shining brightly.

"I love looking at the stars," I absent mindedly stated.

"You know stars are made out of dust clouds scattered throughout the space. The turbulence within these dust clouds gives rise to knots which later on develop mass, allowing gas and dust to collapse. While this cloud collapses, the object that is present at the center starts to heat up. This hot core becomes a star later on," Reid informed me.

I sat up and stared at him in confusion. "How- no, why do you know that?" I asked him.

"It's a basic fact," he shrugged. I scoffed.

"No, it's not," I detested.

"Okay maybe not so basic as it is interesting," he argued.

"Yeah, that was cool," I agreed.

I sighed and laid back down. Wait, Reid and I were just talking? Like, legitimately having a normal conversation. What is this? I can't actually be falling for him, can I?

Edited 12/13/16

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