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"He's a murderer."

Reid blankly stared at me. Anxiety pumped through me due to the fact that I couldn't detect his feelings towards this.

"I don't mean to sound rude but what happened after that? Why are you in trouble? What did you do?" He started asking me.

"Well, he killed and then forced me to do his dirty work."

"Forced?" Reid questioned. I nodded my head and tried to swallow the lump growing in my throat.

"H-He abused me," I whispered. My head fell as I stared at my hands. I didn't want to see his reaction.

"A-Abused you? Like hit you?" He bluntly asked. Tears started to line my eyes once again.

I nodded. "But he was smart about it," I dryly laughed. "He didn't hit me in my face as often as he did in my stomach."

I unzipped my hoodie and pulled up my tank top up to my waist. The bruises were mostly healed but there were scars.

Reid hasn't said anything yet. I took this as my chance to look at him finally, but as I did, my heart shattered. His cheeks were wet and his hands were shaky.

I pulled my shirt back down and wiped my eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have showed you-"

He cleared his throat and wiped his tears. "No! No! I'm sorry. You have nothing to apologize for Jade."

As the tears continued to fall from my eyes, Reid hugged me tightly.

"We could help you, you know," Reid whispered.


"My team. We can explain what happened to you-"

"No!" I hastily got up and walked across the room. "Do you know how humiliating that is?! Having someone beat you around your whole life and not saying one thing about it!"

"Jade, please. They're extremely understanding. Just please think about it."

I bit my lip nervously. I should trust him. He really hasn't given me a reason not to. But I haven't given him a chance not to.

"I will think about it."

▪▪▪ JJ's POV ▪▪▪

My fingers tapped the end of my pen against the hard wood desk. I've been staring at this profile for about five hours straight. This woman is completely insane. Taking Reid and holding him captive; Or even worse, torturing him.

"JJ, you've been here all week. Go sleep, you haven't slept since we realized Reid was gone," Rossi gently told me. I immediately shook my head.

"No. I won't rest until we find him!" But almost as if it were on cue, I loudly yawned earning a skeptical look.

"JJ, go rest, that's an order," Hotch sternly stated. I angrily glared at him as I roughly grabbed my jacket.

I stomped put of the room, slamming the door in the process. I can't believe they'd just send me away like that.

I gripped the hoodie I was wearing tightly as I walked down the street the team's hotel was on. I walked into the lobby, turned down the hall but stopped in my tracks as I noticed someone in the workout room.

I pushed the door open and saw Morgan aggressively hitting and kicking a punching bag.

He noticed me but didn't stop. I sat on the edge of a weight lifting bench and lightly smiled.

"Hi," I hoarsely spoke.

"It's all my fault," he growled. His fist viciously hit the bag sending a wave of vibration throughout it.

"No, it's-"

"Yes it is! I shouldn't have let him off alone!" He screamed. I flinched at the volume of his tone.

"I know how you feel-"

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!" I said raising my voice. I stood up and looked him the eyes. "I left him when Tobias Hankel took him! I know exactly how you feel, Derek!"

He rubbed his forehead, wiping away the beads of sweat. "I'm sorry," he quietly said.

We stood there in silence but my thoughts were loud enough. I miss him so much. He's like my little brother.

Our silence was interrupted by the door opening. "I've got somethi- oh, hey, JJ." Garcia said.

"Hey, PG," I quietly said.

"What do you have, Garcia?" Morgan asked.

"Oh, right," she cleared her throat. "I think I know where they are."

Edited 12/13/16

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