Sleepover (SuFin and Dennor)

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All of the Nordic nations lived in separate houses...but once a month they got together at one of the houses for a sleepover. On this particular night, it was at Lukas' house. He had cleaned all day, anticipating the others' arrivals, and waited for them to show up.

A car pulled up in the driveway, and his little brother stepped out. The Icelander carried his things up to the door, and knocked. Lukas opened up, and helped him with his stuff. "Hi there, Emil." He greeted.

"Hello." The silver haired male responded, dumping his stuff in the living room where they would be sleeping. Laying on the couch, he flicked his boots off. "Sooo, excited to see Den?"

"Now why would I be?" Lukas questioned with a blank expression.

"Because you looove him. We've gone over this already, no need to pretend any more." Emil responded, making little kissy faces at the 'looove' part.

The Norwegian growled. "Dammit Emil, quit it." He said, just as the doorbell rang.

But it didn't just ring once. Oh no, it rang 20 times in a row. Definitely Mathias.

Emil hopped up and ran to the door, opening it to indeed find the spikey-haired blonde. He walked inside, and chucked his stuff into the living room before hugging Emil.

"Hiya, Ice!" He exclaimed, then let go to find and hug Lukas. Lukas had to admit he was jealous that Mat had given his brother a hug before him.

The Dane caught sight of his Norwegian friend, and smiled broadly. "Norge!!! Lemme hug you!" He shouted, and tackle-hugged the other male.

"Oww, Den, you're crushing me." Lukas choked out, not able to move away from the other nation's grasp.

"Oh, sorry Norgey!" Mathias said, letting go finally. The doorbell rang again, and both Tino and Berwald stood there when the door was opened. Apparently they had decided to carpool for some reason. The others let them in, and everybody was there.

"What should we do first?" Tino asked, as he dumped his stuff near the couch. He took his shoes off and sat on the floor.

"Truth or dare!!!" Mathias hollered, sitting next to Tino. The two motioned for the rest of them to join and create a circle. Once that had happened, Mathias spoke up. "Kay, who's going first?"

"Not me." Lukas said quickly by an objection from Emil. Berwald remained silent, and Tino took Berwald's lead.

"I guess I will!" The Dane exclaimed, and pointed at Emil. "You. Truth or dare?" He asked.

Emil looked mildly pissed off as always, and responded with, "Dare."

"Well, I dare you to dance around on the coffee table, singing some weird American song." Mathias said, laughing. Emil gave him a glare, but did the dare.

afterwards, he sat back in the circle and pointed at Tino. "Truth or dare, Tino?" He questioned.

"I guess i'll go with dare too." Tino replied, hoping that Ice wouldn't make him do anything mean.

The Icelander thought for a moment, then said, "I dare you to go sit on Berwald's lap for 20 minutes."

Tino's face flushed bright red, as he made his way across the circle. Looking at his friend apologetically, he sat down on the Swede's lap.

Emil rubbed his hands together evilly, then waited for the next turn.

"O-okay. Uhm, Nor. Truth or dare?" Tino asked, obviously feeling really nervous about being in Berwald's lap. The taller nation didn't seem to mind though for some reason.

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