Untouchable (sufin, dennor)

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I could see him through the glass every day. Every time I walked by I waved, hoping that one day he'd be let out so I could meet him for real. It was hardly fair that he had been cooped up in there for a year now. I wanted to help.

My name is Tino Väinamöinen, and i'm a scientist at a secure research lab hidden from the public. My specialty? Cryptozoology, or the study of 'mythical' creatures and monsters. The creature I was talking about is nearly all human, except for one minor adjustment... he can shape shift at will.

We have him secured in a bulletproof glass cage, and feed him three times a day. It was the first time we had had a humanoid creature in the lab, and it made me feel kind of guilty. The poor guy had thoughts and feelings, he probably had a family to get home to. A life outside of this research facility. Yet here he was, stuck in a cage for so long.

That's why I always waved to him, smiled at him, and tried to be as nice as I could, as I went on my way to the other creature I was assigned to study. The little cutie was a type of octopus that went after and ate humans, also known as a baby kraken. So adorable! I loved working with the lil guy, though I had to be careful not to lose a limb in the process.

His name was Tim, and he had recently been getting too large for his tank. Soon we'd have to construct him a new one. Just the other day, he had eaten one of the caretakers' fingers, sending her on a trip to the hospital.

While she was away, I was assigned her duties. Instead of caring for lil Tim, I was going to be studying and caring for the shape shifter. There was a flutter of excitement in my chest, as I prepared for the day. I got in my usual protective uniform, and got my notebook ready with a fresh pencil.

Once all of that was done, I marched briskly out of the living quarters and into the creature holding rooms. I was the only one assigned to the shape shifter today, and I was happy to be able to speak with him alone.

I unlocked the cage, and went inside, closing it behind me. The shape shifter was laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. I felt the guilt in my chest spread, as I read the sad expression on his face.

"H-Hello there! I'm your new caretaker for now, my name's-"

"Tino." He cut me off before I could finish my sentence. He knew my name? Weird...

"And what's your name?" I asked, walking closer to the small bed.

He turned to fix his piercing gaze upon me, seeming to drink in my face. I instinctively shrunk away, staring at the ground.

"Nobody's asked me that since i've been in this place." He responded in a deep baritone voice. "And my name is Berwald."

"Nice to meet you! Now could you stand up so I can give you a quick check up please?" I requested politely, rocking from my toes to my heels.

He nodded, and stood up, removing his shirt so I could start the inspection. Damn, I couldn't help but admire his muscles as I checked him for any signs of injury, infection, or disease. After I had finished checking, I nodded. "Thank you, you're free to do as you like now. I'm just supposed to sit in the corner and observe."

"So basically treating me like an animal."

"No, no! I'm sorry, you're not an animal. I know that you don't deserve to be in this cage."

"Yet here I am still. Wasting away."

I was silent, my eyes turning into orbs of sadness and regret. "I'm sorry for all of this. I would let you out if I could, but I can't."

With that, Berwald transformed into a bird and perched on my shoulder. He squawked once, making it clear that he wanted me to take him out of the cage. I shook my head, and pet his lil feathery wing. He hopped off my shoulder and transformed back into a human.

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