Monsters and Hunters Part.2 (Sufin)

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Tino knew that monsters exsisted. He had seen one with his own eyes when he was young. That had been the weirdest experience ever...and it was as though something had changed in him.

After that day, he devoted his life to studying the mysterious creatures. He knew each species, where they could be found, their food, and much more. It turned out, the one he had seen was a strain of winged monster. More commonly known as dark angels. They usually only came out at night, and were vegetarians.

Tino was determined to find the one he had seen. Or at least anotger dark angel. He could still remember its crystaline blue eyes, slightly messy blonde hair, and most of all, the black wings rimmed with shimmering blue.

Tino knew that each dark angel had their own special color at the tips of their wings. And that if you approached one, you risked being bitten and poisoned. For that was their main method of self-defence.

It was the day that he turned 20. He left his home on the edge of the woods, and ventured inward with only a pack of supplies.

The days wore on, and still no sign of a dark angel. There were a few encounters with other monster species, but Tino got away unscathed. He was beginning to lose hope, when he saw a shimmering blue feather on the trail in front of him. Could it be from the same angel? He sure hoped so.

Continuing on, he noticed that as he went deeper into the woods, he spotted more signs of angels. Perfect.

One day, he came upon a tall tree, and stood at the base peering upward. The canopy of the forest was so dark, he could barely see anything. Then, all of a sudden, a dark figure came speeding down from the branches. It picked Tino up, and carried him upward into the tree.

The small guy barely even had tine to shriek, as the creature set him down up in a tree house? Tino looked around in confusion...since when did angels make tree houses? They usually just built large nests.

After the angel set him down, Tino was able to get a good look at him. Just his luck! It was the same dark angel from before. The creature stayed close to him, and showed it's sharp teeth. Not in a menacing way, but maybe like a smile? It was still a bit scary though.

"Uhhm. Hi there. I'm Tino." The small blonde said with a wave. The dark angel spread his wings and shook them, before closing them back up.

"i'm Berwald." The creature replied in a deep and thickly accented voice. "And you're my mate."

"Whaaa-?" Tino asked, confused. He knew that dark angels tended to choose human mates, but he never thought he'd ever get chosen.

"When we first saw each other. We clicked." Berwald explained, moving closer to Tino. He unfurled his wings once more, and spread them wide to wrap around them both. Tino's eyes widened, and he blushed in embarassment.

"Trust me, i'm probably a crappy mate. Even though i'm honored, you deserve better." The smaller blonde said quietly. He felt as though he had known the dark angel his whole life, and in a way he had.

"No. I want you. And I want you to become like me." Berwald said. That's when Tino remembered. Dark angeks weren't born per-sey...they were created.

Tino gulped. "Will it hurt?"


"Do it then."

And with that, Berwald bent his head down to Tino's neck, and bit down. He injected a tiny amount of the changing poison into the other male's neck, then extracted his fangs. Tino smiled at him, and stood on tiptoe to plant a kiss on Berwald's lips.

Berwald took that as a sign to kiss back, and they stood there making out for a few minutes. It seemed like hours to them though, as the venom began to work its way into Tino's system.

"I've always wanted to be a mythical creature." The smaller male whispered, breaking off the kiss. "I'm so excited for wings!"

"Ya. I'm happy you're okay with this."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Uhhhh...I could name at least 20 reasons."

"Oh? well I guess i'm just a flaw of nature then! Anyway, I guess we're technically married now."

"I guess, my wife." Berwald chuckled deeply, making Tino blush.

"Hey!!! I'm a man!" The changing angel protested.

"Okay then, husband."


(*ends chapter abruptly because i'm tired and have homeworkszszsz* Author may go on a short hiatus for about 3 weeks. So sowey, my punkinz! I just need to finish up the school year, then i'll write you more stuff! I may do some updates though if I has da time. Who knows? Hehe bye~ Author)

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