
I wake up to a killer headache. I groan and pull a pillow over my head to block out the raging sun.

"Danny! Get up!" My mum yells from the kitchen.

I swear into my mattress before dragging myself out of bed. I quickly jump into the shower before heading back to my room to get dressed. I grab a pair of black work pants and pull them on.

I rummage through a pile of washing until I find a decent shirt. Aka one with fewer oil stains on it. I yank it over my head before grabbing socks and my boots.

I snatch my belt off the floor and thread it through the belt loops. I pluck my phone from the charger and head into the small kitchen. I grab two slices of bread and place them in the toaster before grabbing some things for lunch.

"I hope you will be working tonight." My mum comments as she walks into the kitchen with a basket of washing on her hip.

"Yes mum I will be." I sigh in response.

"Mhm." Is all she replies with. "Thomas, Jack, Amelia, Charlotte and Lucile get out here!"

Within a few seconds the five younger kids rush into the room. Thomas is two years younger then me at 15. Amelia and Jack are 11, Charlotte is 10 and Lucile is only 4. The small shack often feels cramped with the eight of us living here.

Luckily me being the oldest I get my own room. Thomas and Jack share and so do Amelia, Charlotte and Lucile. The shack is only really a 3 bedroom but we changed the laundry into a fourth room for me.

It's small but at least it's private. The laundry was moved to the old outhouse. We ripped everything out and managed to get the washing machine in there.

"Danny you better get a move on." My mum yells glancing at the clock.

"I'm going!" I reply grabbing the keys to my ute. I slam the front door shut and can hear my mums yells at me. I roll my eyes and make my way to the old ute.

I climb in and take off down the driveway. Despite living close to a fairly large town we live in a large block of land. However the only two things on it is the shack and the shed.

I reach the road and turn onto it so I'm heading into town. I turn the radio up and blast the music as I head to the worst place in my life. I pull into a parking spot and instantly Noah is leaning through the window to turn the music down.

"Dude where do you disappear to last night?" He asks as I climb out of the car.

"I wasn't feeling great so I left early." I lie locking the car. We start walking to the entrance of the school when a black thunderbird pulls up.

The same black thunderbird that I was in last night. There's no way I could mistake it. I wait to see who climbs out and to my surprise it's Christian.

That means he was the one who helped me last night. He stopped Malissa and drove me home. I quickly feel embarrassed at the thought of my crush seeing me helpless under someone else. I rush inside and go straight to my locker.

"Wow. Yo Danny you ok?" Noah asks catching up to me.

"Yep I'm fine." I mumble opening my locker.

A piece of paper falls out and I grab it. I unfold it and see a photo of Malissa licking my dick. She's holding it in a way so it makes it look like I was actually hard.

You can't see my face but due to the clothing you can clearly tell it was me. At the bottom I see a message. Love you boo-boo xoxo.

"Fuck!" I curse punching the locker beside me. Everyone in the hall looks at me as I grab my bag and slam the locker closed.

"Hey Danny what's going on?" Noah asks running after me as I storm out of the building. The ball of paper is scrunched in my fist as I walk towards my car. "Danny!"

Now everyone in the parking lot also is paying attention to me. Which includes the guy that saved me.

I yank open the passenger door and grab my lighter. Students have begun to come out of the building to watch what's going on. I take my lighter and set the paper alight. Within seconds it's reduced to nothing but ash.

"Danny what's going on?" Noah asks as I get into the drivers side. I ignore him and start the car. I back out of the car park and speed from the school.

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