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"Do you need any help?" Christian asks as I try to pull a pair of pants on.

"No." I groan giving up and flopping onto my back. He chuckles and shakes his head. He gets up and gently pulls the material over my cast. "Can I just stay in here? I don't wanna see other people."

"No. It's your birthday. They're here for you." He laughs before gently kissing me.

"Are you sure I can't tempt you into staying here with me." I whisper kissing him again.

"That is very, very tempting, but your guests are waiting." He announces as he pulls away from me.

I sigh and let him pull me to my foot. I lean on him as I pull my pants up and button them. He hands me my crutches and I awkwardly hobble out of the room.

Christian opens the door for me to step outside. I make my way outside and see a collection of people surrounding the area. I go to move my crutches in front of me but they get caught in the door and I fall back.

"Fuck." I groan as christian catches me. "I told you I should've stayed inside."

He chuckles as he helps me back onto my foot. "I think you'll end up enjoying yourself."

I roll my eyes and he carefully moves my crutches. I continue to move outside with Christian following me.

"Look who joined us." Mum jokes as she hugs me. "Guess who came?"

"I don't know. Steve Irwin?" I dryly respond. She gives me an unimpressed look as she shakes her head.

"Toby." She grins and I just stare at her.

"What?" I ask unsure if I heard right.

"You know Toby Duke." She says.

"Oh right." I nod with a tight smile. Panic swarms in my chest but I try to make sure it doesn't show.

"Anyway dinner will be done in 30 minutes." I nod and she walks off. My eyes survey the crowd and I see him talking to Noah.

"Danny? Are you alright?" Christian asks stepping in my view of him. "Who is he?"

"Uh he's the first guy I kissed. He pretended to be interested in me as a joke." I quickly explain.

"And I'm guessing you never told your mum."

"Only Dylan knows." I answer.

"Ok so we'll avoid him best we can. There are plenty of others here." He offers. I nod and we move towards Cody and Jasper.

"It is still so weird to see you two together." Cody comments as we stop in front of them.

"Get used to it. I don't plan on going anywhere soon." Christian answers casually, as if he didn't even think about what he was saying. Christian wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my jaw causing Cody to fake gags.

"PDA. My eyes. My innocent eyes." Cody squeals. Jasper rolls his eyes and pinches Cody's side causing him to stop.

"Danny." A voice calls out softly. An all too familiar one. I tense and look to the side. Sure enough Toby is standing there with his hands in his pockets.

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