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My eyes scan the room and fall on Christian. He jerks his head towards the bathroom and I slightly nod. He walks over and I wait for a minute before excusing myself. I walk into the bathroom and he's leaning by the door.

As soon as I enter he looks up from his phone. He puts it in his pocket and grabs the back of my head before kissing me. I lean against the door and grip the back of his shirt.

His fingers run through my hair and angles my head up a bit more. He pulls away and stares down at me.

"You did such a good job today." He mumbles kissing my neck. My throat tightens with panic as he touches me.

I tighten my grip on his shirt and look up at the roof. Christian isn't Samuel. He won't hurt me. He's not going to attack me.

"Never go near my fucking sister again. Anytime you ever think about hurting a women remember this." Samuel whispers in my ear before kissing my neck. I try and push him off but the other unknown guy grabs my hands and holds them tightly.

I jerk my body to try and get away from them but the two guys hold me steady as he grabs my dick through my pants and squeezes it harshly.

"You like that?" He ask rubbing my dick. He bites along my jawline and I yank my head away from him. His hand squeeze my dick tightly and I slight hunch over.

His hand slowly moves hair out of my face and he strokes my cheek. His eyes study my face as he gently caresses me cheek. I can feel the blood smeared across my face.

His hand travels back and grips onto the hair at the back of my head. He moves his head down and kisses me. I struggle to get him off me but at this point my bodies so beaten that it's practically given up.

He bites my bottom lip gently and pulls it between his teeth as he moves back to look at me. He softly smiles before his expression grows angry and he harshly yanks my hair.

"You are nothing but a stupid good for nothing rapist." He sneers before spitting in my face.

"Danny?" I open my eyes without even realising I closed them. Christian is kneeling in front of me holding my hands apart. "Hey are you ok?"

"I'm fine. What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know. I think you had a panic attack. You tensed so I asked what was wrong but you didn't answer me. You started pulling you hair and banging your head on the wall." He replies.

I groan and tip my head back onto the wall. I can't believe I had a fucking panic attack in front of him. And of course it was the most pathetic reason known to man kind.

"What was it about?" He asks standing up and releasing my hands.

"Samuel." I sigh.

"Who's Samuel?" He asks.

"Oh right Malissas brother. Dylan went to school with him of something." I reply closing my eyes. "Stupid fucking shit."

"Is there something so can do to help you?" He asks as he kisses the back of my hand.

"No probably not." I mumble. "Sorry. I guess that completely ruined the mood."

"Shit happens. If you're up to it feel free to come over tonight. But if not it doesn't matter." He mumbles before softly kissing me and leaving. I sigh and bend over the sink.

I don't think Samuel could've ruined my life more even if he tried. I can't even let Christian touch me without freaking out. I walk out of the bathroom and join my teammates at the table.

"You right?" Max asks as I sit back down.

"Yeah. Perfectly fine." I reply through a heavy smile. He sceptically nods and turns back to Hamish.

"Danny how many goals did you score today?" Cooper asks from across the table.

"Uh 3." I reply.

He turns back to Ryan and holds his hand out. Ryan rolls his eyes and grabs his wallet out. He puts a 10 in Coopers note as he mutters some not so friendly things. I have no idea how long I should wait until I leave.

"Danny Dylan's here." Jasper calls out jerking his head to the entrance. I look over and see him walk in. I get up and go over to him.

"Hey what's up?" I ask as I lean against the bar beside him.

"Hey just wanted to say bye before I head off." He replies patting my back. "Well done today. I'm surprised how well you played considering everything. You deserve the win."

"Thanks." I reply.

"If you need any help with the whole Samuel thing don't be afraid to give me a shout. You don't have to deal with it by yourself."

"I know. Anyway I best let you go. Travel safe."

"I will." He quickly hugs me before leaving. I debate following him out and heading to christian's but decide to hang around for a bit longer. I turn and see Chloe enter the pub.

"Oi Noah the missus is here." I call out. He looks up so fast and instantly smiles as he sees her. He gets up from the table and walks over to greet her.

"Lovesick dork." Cody mumbles disguising it as clearing his throat. I slightly chuckle and shake my head at him. He just shrugs and turn around to order another beer. "Got anything else planned for the weekend?"

"No don't think so. Probably just working." I sigh.

"You gonna come back to school or what?" He asks.

"I don't really think there's much point."

"I get that for the learning part, but what about all the social shit. I have to admit everything is about 50% less interesting without your smart ass mouth around." He comments.

"Wow. Makes me feel real important." I remark sarcastically.

"It should. I take my humour very seriously." He jokes.

"Whatever. I'll think about it. But right now I'm going to head off. My whole body is killing me." I sigh.

"I don't know how you even played, or why you did."

"Because I love it. Or I did before everything started hurting."

"You did it to yourself. Anyway I'll catch you later."

I say a quick goodbye before leaving. I get into my car and sit there for a few minutes deciding whether to go to Christians or just go home. I turn the car on and head further into town.

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