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The image of Danny's muscular build playing footy lives in my mind rent free. Sweat dripping down his tan skin. A look of concentration etched on his face.

The way he supports and encourages everyone on his team. He got back up after he was slammed into a fucking pole.

I can't fucking feel this way about him, I can't. He's a guy. A guy that's hot. No. He's a normal guy and I'm not a faggot.

I was drunk when I kissed him. It didn't mean anything. I fuck girls not guys. I'm straight.

"Hey mate how are you?" Cody asks as I walk out of school.


My eyes filter through the crowd until they land on Danny. His tall tan body stands out in the crowd. A large bruise covers the right side of his face.

Danny's eyes lock with mine and I make sure I remain expressionless. However I refuse to be the first to break eye contact. Eventually his mate grabs his attention and he looks away.

"So what do you think of the team?" Cody asks.

"Their fine." I shrug.

"Good because a few of them are coming to the movies with us."


"Because they're my mates as well."


"I'll see you at 5!" He yells out as I make my way to my car.

Danny still fills my mind. As soon as I get home I go straight to my room. I pace not knowing what to do. I have to get him out of my mind. I don't know why I'm attracted to him but it has to stop.

There's no way in hell that I'm gay. He's a fluke. An error in the system. I don't like him and I never will. I don't care what I have to do to prove it.


I arrive at the cinema and see Cody standing outside with a few guys from Sunday.

"Hey how are you?" He asks as I reach them.

"Fine." I mumble looking around the group, somewhat glad when I don't see Danny.

"Just a couple more guys to come." Jasper explains and I nod.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." Cody mumbles as he looks behind me.

I turn and see Danny leaning against the wall with a cigarette between his lip. Cody walks up and yanks the cigarette from his grip.

"Do you want your concussion to be worse?" Cody half shouts at him.

"Who gives a fuck." He scoffs taking it back from Cody.

"You will when you're in too much pain to move. Not to mention how bad it is for your lungs."

"You don't think I know all this?" Danny replies standing up straight. "You don't think I know that it's killing me?"

"I think you do know but are to careless to give a fuck." Cody huffs chucking it on the ground and stomping on it.

"No I do care. I have tried quitting. I wish I never touched one. Nothing fucking works."

"Let's us help you. We're a team. That's what we do. Give me the pack." cody demands.

Danny rolls his eyes and takes the pack from his pocket and shoves it into Cody's hand.

"Do you have any in the car?"

He doesn't reply and just hands cody his keys. Cody walks to the car and goes through it before throwing all the packs in the bin.

"No smoking, anyone." He orders as he comes back over to us.

Everyone agrees and we head inside. We get our tickets and food before going into the movie.

I get stuck next to Danny at the end of the row. He sits chatting to whoever next to him as we wait for the movie to start. I just sit there scrolling through insta.

Eventually the lights dim and I put it away. Everyone falls silent as the movie starts. I feel Danny's leg brush against mine and I tense, he however doesn't seem to notice and I refuse to move first. Even if it does drive me crazy. Which it doesn't because I'm straight.

I try to concentrate on the movie but every now and then he shift causing him to become the centre of my attention again. Eventually I can't take it and go to the bathroom.

I splash water over my face and wait a few minutes before going back in. Luckily nothing else happens for the rest of the movie.

"Christian." Cody calls out as I get to my car.

"What's up?" I ask unlocking it.

"We're heading back to my place for dinner wanna come?" He asks.

"Sure." I grumble locking my car again before we start walking to his place.

Everyone else loudly talks with each other while I hang behind. We get to Cody's place and his mum gladly welcomes us in.

"Pizza will be here in 10." She informs us as we head to the living room.

Dash his doberman rushes up to me. He jumps up and I give him a quick scratch behind his ears.

Everyone gets situated on the couches while I just lean against the wall. Dash quickly greets everyone before lying down at my feet.

Cody looks at me and gestures for me to sit next to him. I roll me eyes and make my way over. I sit down and Dash follows. He sits between my legs with with his head resting on my thigh.

I lazily scratch behind his ears as I half listen to the conversation. Theres a knock on the door and Dash gets to his feet and moves towards the door.

Sally gets the door and thanks the driver before bringing the pizza and garlic bread into us. Everyone thanks her before we start eating.

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