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As soon as Noah showed my mood flattened a bit. I wanted nothing more then to tell him to fuck off and continue with Christian but unfortunately I didn't.

I did however get Christians number. But now I'm panicking over what to text him. I've never been the first one to text someone so I don't know what to say.

I stare at the keyboard unsure of what to say. I sigh and shut my phone off as I make my way over to my corner. I grab a schnitzel out and cook it on my camp stove.

As I do I keep looking at my phone as my hand itches to message him. I've already put his contact in my phone but I haven't texted. I decide I just have to stop being a pussy and do it.

I have no idea what to say, I just wanted to text you.

I hope this is Danny, if not get rid of my number.

Hate people that much do you?

Of course I do. They tend to piss me off.

I can't say I'm surprised.

You busy tonight?

No. I was just planning to work.

Wanna go for a drive instead?


I can pick you up at 8 if that works.

Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then.

I smile at my phone and place it on the swag as I plate up my dinner. I quickly eat it before getting my stuff ready.

I work on a Volvo as I wait for Christian to arrive. Eventually I see the black firebird pull up. Christian gets out and walks into the shed.

"Hey." He greets as he walks up to me.

"Uh hey. I'll just wash my hands and we can go." I smile. He nods and I go to the sink. I wash up and head out to his car.

I get in the passenger side and we leave. We stay completely silent as we start heading out of town.

"Where are we heading?" I ask.

"I don't know. I just thought we could drive." He shrugs glancing over at me.

"Ok yeah." I agree.

"So uh, as I told you, I've never been interested in a guy before. So I would prefer if you didn't tell anyone."

"Yeah of course. I'm not out anyway." I reassure.

"Ok." He sighs with a nod.

The conversation moves easily as he speeds down the windy road. We get onto a straight road and his hand rests on my thigh. My breath hitches and I look down at it.

"Need me to move it?" He asks and I look back up at him.

"No. It's fine." I reply.

"Yeah?" He smirks moving his hand up slightly.

"Yep." I nod.

"Is this ok?" He asks as he palms me through my jeans. I nod as my breathing speeds up. "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"Yes. Fuck it's fine." I groan as he adds pressure to my hardening cock.

His hand moves to my belt and undoes it. He undoes my pants and pushes them down to release my cock.

"What about this? Is this ok?" He asks again.

"God, yes. Yes it's fine." I groan in between heavy breaths.

"Not god me." He growls as he runs his thumb over the tip and spreads pre-cum over my cock.

I grip the seat as his fist pumps my cock. I tip my head against the seat and close my eyes.

"Fuck Christian." I moan as I thrust into his hand.

"You like that huh?" He muses stilling his hand and squeezing the base of my cock when I don't answer.

"Yes." I mumble. He hums and starts moving his hand torturously slow. On every second pump or so he runs his thumb over my tip. "Please."

"Please what pretty boy?"

"Fuck, please move faster." I beg.

"Faster hey?" He asks and I quickly nod. He speeds his hand up and I breathlessly moan.

I feel the coil in my stomach tighten with every pump of my cock. I quiver in the seat as cum spurts from the top of my cock.

I open my eyes and see Christian licking my cum off his hand. He quickly pulls over and gets out of the car. He walks over to the passenger side and opens my door.

He grabs my chin and kisses me. I can taste myself on his tongue before he pushes me to my knees.

"Tap my hamstring if you want to stop." He tells me as he unbuttons his pants and pushes them down. I nod before he releases his cock.

His hand threads through my hair before he grips it and guides me towards his cock. I open my mouth and he thrusts his cock into my mouth. Christian groans and throws his head back as he guides me along his cock.

He pulls me back and I swirl my tongue around the tip. He roughy thrusts into my mouth at a fast pace. Tears stream down my cheeks and I gag on his cock.

His rushes breathing becomes uneven and his thrusts get sloppy. I slowly reach my hand up and gently massage his balls which is all it takes for his cum to shoot down my throat.

He bottoms out in my for a few seconds before slowly pulling out of my mouth. I quickly swallow the warm liquid before standing up and tucking my dick back into my pants.

Christian once again grabs me and kisses me. His tongue swirls around mine as the cool wind whips around our bodies.

His hands grip my hips as mine wrap around his neck. I eventually pull away from him and he rests his head in the crook of my neck. He starts kissing along my neck as I zip him back up.

"How'd you know that you were gay?" He asks against my neck.

"I don't know. I just never liked a girl. Then a few years ago I developed a massive crush on a guy and I've known since then." I explain as he starts kissing up my jaw.

"So you're a virgin?" He asks pulling away and looking down at me.

"No. I've fucked one girl just to see but I hated it. Oh and Malissa. So two."

"Malissa doesn't count." He scoffs before kissing me again.

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