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Noah sits beside me and we sit in silence. Luckily I'd stopped crying by the time he got here. For the past 10 minutes he's been silently pacing.

"Why did you tell me?" He asks quietly.

"I don't know. I thought it wasn't a big deal." I shrug.

"What happened? Like I mean how?"

"I was just talking to a few buddies when she came over and gave me a drink. I didn't think anything of it. Then I felt like a couldn't control my body. She dragged me upstairs and pushed me into a room. Christian stopped her." I explain.


"Yeah he barged in got her off me and took me home after I threw up twice. I didn't know it was him but then I saw him get out of the same car."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Just mum I think. I asked her not to tell anyone."

We fall silent again and sit staring at the floor.

"How come you're out here?" He voices after a while.

"Dad kicked me out. He took the house key and locked everything." I mumble.

"What? The fight wasn't even your fault. He was harassing you."

"Like he'd give a shit." I scoff.

"You can come stay at mine if you need." He offers.

"Thank but I reckon I'll be alright. It's not a big deal. Hopefully when dads at work tomorrow I'll be able to get my clothes and chargers and shit." I shrug.

"Ok. Do you want me to stay the night?"

"No. I'll be fine. It's whatever." I half smile.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. It's nothing."

"Alright call if you need." He sighs standing up. He leaves the shed and I sit there until I hear his car disappear down the driveway.

I stand up and go back to the swag. I grab my phone and see it's already 1 in the morning. My heads still throbbing as I start look at the messages of people asking what was going on.

I power off my phone and set it on the floor beside me.


"Danny?" Mum asks as the side door of the shed squeaks open. I groan and press my face into the thin mattress in the swag. "Hey what happened?"

"Nothing." I mumble.

"Nothing? You dad told me you assaulted another kid."

"Yeah he would've cause he never asked what happened." I scoffed.

"Ok well I'm asking." She replies.

"Malissas brother came to the school. Still accusing me of raping her. He kissed me and grabbed me inappropriately, so I punched him and we started fighting." I grumble sitting up.

"Did he get taken in as well?"

"Yeah. I don't know what happened to him in the end."

"Ok. Hopefully something happened. Let's head inside and get you something to eat."

"Dad doesn't want me inside. He took my key for a reason. Besides I have to head in to town to get some parts for some cars. I'll just grab something in there." I say as I stand up and stretch.

"Don't be stupid Danny. He's just mad."

"Yeah well I don't care. Can you just put my clothes and charger in a bag and leave it on the verandah?" I ask.

"Fine." She sighs.

"Thank you. I'll see you later." I reply kissing her cheek before grabbing my keys and getting into my car.

I head into town and stop by a cafe to get a coffee and muffin. I have it in the car before going to the auto repair shop.

I check my list and quickly get everything before paying and heading to the shops. I grab some things for meals for a couple of days. 

I head back home and open the shed up fully. I put my food in the fridge before unloading all car parts.

I see a duffle on the verandah and go grab it. I open it and see pretty much everything I need. Including toiletries. I drop it beside the swag before starting work.

Rusty and Dingo happily walk into the shed and plant themselves on the swag. I'm definitely moving slower but it's something. A few people come over to pick up or drop off cars.

I decide to have a break from working and take my bike for a spin. I get into my gear and grab my helmet.

I wheel the bike out of the shed before staring it. I pull my helmet on before rushing into the paddocks. I decide to head to a bush track at the back of the property.

I spend about an hour just mucking around on my bike. I finally head back to the shed. As I pull up I see mum walk out of the shack. I sigh as I climb off the bike and yank the helmet off my head.

"Look I know you said I shouldn't ride with a concussion but I needed a break." I explain quickly.

"It's dangerous Danny. I'll deal with you later there's someone here to see you." She explains which confuses me.

"Who? I though all the cars had been picked up. And I haven't taken on anymore clients." I ask as I push the bike into the shed and put the jerrycan next to it so I remember to fill it up.

I don't remember seeing any other cars when I pulled in. But then again I was worried about mum not other cars.

I turn around and see Christian standing a bit behind mum.

"Oh. Uh hey." I greet pulling my gloves off and walking to the front of the shed. "How long have you been here?"

"15 minutes." He replies looking over my muddy motorbike gear.

"Right sorry. Is your car ok?" I asking finally noticing the firebird parked behind mine.

"Yeah the cars fine. If you ever need anyone to back you up about what happened at the party I can. I mean I saw what Malissa did." He offers.

"Oh yeah thanks. Hopefully it doesn't come to that." I smile.

We fall silent and I see him looking down at my lips. My breathing hitches and I clear my throat. He looks up at me with dark eyes. His eyes are almost pitch black.

He storms up to me and grab my head before kissing me. I grab the back of his neck as I back into the shelf. Despite being 6'1 his 6'3 build seems to tower over me.

The kiss is messy and needy. His soft lips aggressively move against mine as one hand moves to the back of my head and grips onto my hair.

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