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-7 months later-


My heart stops. I don't even know if I heard them right. Two days in court. 7 months of harassment and preparation. I can't fucking breathe.

I don't even know what the judge is saying. I have no idea how long they got. I don't know what's going on. Guilty. I should be happy. But I feel completely numb.

"Danny? Hey look at me." I look up and see Christian in front of me.

"It's over?" I whisper scared that if I say it out loud it won't be true.

"It's over." He confirms holding onto my arm.

Over. It's over. All the energy leaves me and I collapse into Christian's arms. He lowers us to the ground with his arms tightly wrapped around me.

"It's ok. It's over." He whispers as I sob into his chest.

I wrap my shaky arms around his neck and hold onto him as tight as I can. He gently kisses the top of my head and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Let's get you home." He whispers kissing above my ear. I nod and we slowly stand up. He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me out of courtroom with Vincent on the other side of me.

As soon as we leave the building we're bombarded with news reporters and cameras being shoved in our face. I lower my head and use my hand to cover my face.

Christian shields me and keeps moving us forward. We get to his car and he open the door for me. I get in and keep my face covered as best I can. He jogs to the drivers side and takes off.

"I don't know how anyone could be famous." I mumble dropping my hand from my face.

"I know." He replies taking my hand in his. He kisses the back of it and I tip my head back. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know." I tell him honestly. "I don't believe it. I just- It doesn't seem real."

"You're still in shock." He tells me which I can believe.

He pulls into the driveway and I see mum and dad are already back. He pulls up beside my car and we get out. He takes my hand again and we walk inside. As soon as we do mum wraps her arms around me.

"I'm so proud of you. You did so well." She whispers as I wrap my arms around her. "How about we go out for dinner tonight. To celebrate."

I simply nod not knowing what to say. It's all just too much for me right now.

"Come on Danny. You need to rest." Christian says pushing me towards my room.

We get in and he shuts the door. I sit on the bed and take my blazer off. I just stare at the wall completely ignoring christian as he takes my tie and shirt off. He slides a normal t-shirt over my head and carefully pulls my arms through it.

"Danny? Come on, talk to me my pretty boy." He begs taking my hands and kneeling in front of me.

"I love it when you call me that." I mutter without looking at him.

"Yeah?" he asks and I nod.

"How many years did they each get?" I ask him as I stand up and take my pants off.

"Samual got 6 and Malissa got 14 with 3 years probation and 240 hours of community service." He replies as I pull a pair of shorts on. I nod before collapsing onto the bed. "I'm so proud of you."

I smile and gently kiss him. He stands up and also gets changed. He lays beside me and I rest my head on his chest.

"Do you want to move in with me?" He asks nervously.

"What? Really?" I ask looking up at him.

"Yeah. I have a 4 bedroom house all to myself. It get lonely with just Stormy around." He explains.

"I mean yeah. But- like are you sure? Cause that's a whole lot of me." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Yes I'm sure. Besides my house is closer to your garage." He mumbles kissing my forehead.

"Ok. Yeah, let's do it." I smile kissing him.

"I thought it would take a lot more convincing." He honestly tells me.

"As long as I get to wake up beside you, I don't give a fuck where we are."

He kisses me and his hands travel under my shirt.

"Why do you pack a bag then after dinner we can go straight to my house." He mumbles against my lips.

"Will clothes really be needed?" I challenge causing him to groan.

"Fuck Danny. You can't say shit like that unless you want me to fuck you right now."

"And what if I do?"

"Fuck. Get your pretty ass up and pack a fucking bag." He demands in a strained voice.

I smirk knowing I turned him on. I let out an exaggerated sigh and straddle him. He groans causing my smirk to widen.

"What? I'm just doing what you told me to do." I tell him feigning innocent.

"Danny if you don't get off me right now I will bend you over and fuck you for your whole family to hear." He warns grabbing my hips.

My heart catches in my throat and I just stare at him.

"What cat got your tongue?" He smirks. "Get packing pretty boy."

I roll my eyes and get off him. Purposely brushing my hand against his hard cock. He groans and drops his head onto the pillow.

I stand up and he playfully smacks my ass as I grab a bag. I glare at him but he just innocently smiles.

I pack most of my clothes and some other essentials before laying back down with christian. He wraps his arm around my waist and gently kisses my jaw. There's a knock on the door and mum opens it.

"You boys ready for dinner?" She asks. Christian nods and sits up. I groan and follow suit. We stand up and he grabs my bag. "You gonna stay at Christian's tonight?"

"Uh yes and no. I'm moving in with him." I tell her.

"That's great. Do you need any help?" She asks and I shake my head.

"We've got it under control. Thanks." I reply.

"Ok. Well let's go have dinner and celebrate."

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