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-8 years later-

"Can you please just let me up." I beg as I try to contain the wriggling 3 year old in my arms.

The lady sighs and rolls her shoulders back as she looks back up to me.

"Sir I cannot let you go up without permission. You aren't on the list so I'm afraid you'll have to make an appointment to see Mr Cole." She replies.

"I shouldn't have to make an appointment to see my fucking husband. Just call him and tell him that I'm waiting downstairs." I growl tightening my grip on the pram.

"Fuck." Aiden giggles in my arms causing my eyes to widen.

"No baby we don't say that word. It's a bad word." I whisper.

"I can't call him. He's in a meeting. If you aren't willing to leave I'll have to call security." The lady adds.

"If you can't let me up contact someone who can. I just want to see my husband." I sigh in exhaustion.

"Look, I don't mean to be rude, but I doubt Mr Cole would go for the likes of you. Unless you can provide valid proof of your marriage I can't help you." She tells me and my jaw goes slack. I can't believe she just said that to me.

"What the hell is that meant to mean?" I demand clenching my jaw.

"You're lower class. You're wearing dirty clothes and you're a guy. Mr Cole wouldn't settle for someone like you."

I hate this fucking lady. I feel like jumping over the stupid shiny counter and gouging her eyes out.

"This is unbelievable." I scoff. "I want to see someone who's worked here for more than a day."

"Of course." She says with a fake ass smile. She gesture behind me and I turn to see two security guards I also don't recognise.

"Great. How long have there two clowns been working here?" I question.

"I can't release that information." She tells me with that stupid smile that makes me want to rip her face off and feed it to a crocodile.

"Sir please come with us." One of the guards say and I roll my eyes. I reach for my phone but they grab my arm.

"Get off." I snarl yanking it away from them.

"Please leave the premises before we call the police." The other says. I clench my jaw before storming out of the building. I sit on a bench out the front with Aiden giggling in my arms.

"Fuck." He giggles taking a fistful of my shirt. I grab my phone and quickly text Christian.

Fire all of them. I want Margret back.

Better yet put them in a tank with piranhas and let them die a slow and painful death.

He doesn't respond not that I really expect him to. I can't believe that just fucking happened. She reckons Christian settled for me. He probably did. I feel like crying.


"No Aiden. We don't say that around daddy ok?" I whisper tiredly.

"Danny?" I look up and see Vincent standing in front of me. "What are you doing out here?"

"Stupid receptionist wouldn't let me up. And Christian's in a meeting so I don't want to call him." I explain rubbing my forehead.

"Come on. I'll take you up." Vincent says.

"No don't worry about it. I'm sure you have better things to do." I reply.

"Not at all. Come on." He smiles. I slowly stand up and follow Vincent inside. The receptionist instantly stands up and approaches us.

"I have already told you to leave once. I will be calling the police."

As much as I reckon I would never hurt a women this lady is on the right track to proving me wrong.

"Call down. He's Christian's husband and he's with me. Step aside." Vincent demands.

The lady quickly goes back to her desk and we get into the elevator. I place Aiden down and takes his hand. He reaches for the buttons but I quickly stop him.

We get to the top floor enter Christian's office. Aiden wriggles from my grip and runs up to him. Christian smiles and lifts him onto his lap.

"Danny this is Adam. Adam this is my husband Danny and our son Aiden." Christian says as I shake Adam's hand.

"Nice to meet you." I smile.

"Nice to meet you two."

"You're limping everything ok?" Christian asks which shocks me. I didn't even realise I was limping.

"Yeah my foot's just playing up a bit." I sigh as I drop onto one of the couches.

"Why don't we move over to the couches." Christian tells Adam before moving over to me.

He sits at the edge of the couch and places Adam down. He spins me before laying me down with my head in his lap. I close my eyes as his hand runs through my hair.

I slowly twist my wedding ring as I tune out whatever the fuck they're talking about. The new receptionists words fill my mind. She's right. We're completely different. He's so put together whereas I'm a mess.

"Danny?" Christian calls out. I open my eyes and look up at him. "What's going on in your pretty head?"

I look over and see that Adam's gone. Aiden is entertained by a paper airplane.

"Do you regret marrying me?" I ask looking back at him.

"What?" He asks as his hand stops. "Of course not. Where did this come from?"

"The new receptionist." I sigh sitting up. His eyes darken an I see him clench his jaw.

"What exactly did she say?" He demands in a low voice.

"That you would never settle for someone like me." I whisper.

"Settle?" He growls and I just nod. "Please tell me you're fucking kidding."

I slowly shake my head and look up at him. He's staring straight at the wall with his jaw tightly clenched. I raise my hand up and place it on his jaw. His eyes snap to mine and soften.

"You and Aiden are the only two things that I care about. I can tell you I most certainly did not settle. Ok? I love you with everything I have. Every single bit of me loves you." He mumbles softly caressing my cheek.

"I love you, so much." I whisper before sitting up to kiss him.

"As much as I love sitting with you, I have some people to fire." He whispers kissing my temple before standing up. I flop back onto the couch with a groan. "Come on, we'll head home after."

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