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I get to school and go straight to the classroom. Noah sits beside me which is a bit of a surprise seeing as he told me that chloe was officially his girlfriend last night.

"Why are you sitting with me?" I ask.

"Chloe's away. Besides I'm not going to be clingy." He scoffs.

"Whatever you say." I hum turning back to the book in front of me.

"I hope she's ok and it's nothing serious." He comments after a few seconds.

"I'm sure she's fine." I reply rolling my eyes.

"Maybe I should text her and see how she is."


"Or maybe that will come across as needy, or clingy.

"Yeah it could." I agree.

"But if I don't I might seem like an asshole." He debates.

"Maybe." I sighs rolling my eyes again.

"I'll just text her. Just one simple text to see what's going on."

"Ok you do that man."

"But what if being clingy scare her away? No I can't text her. But I don't want to be an asshole so I have to text. It's the right thing to do. Unless it's not."

I snatch his phone from him and shoot chloe a quick message asking her how she's feeling before handing it back to him.

"Problem solved." I conclude patting his back.

"Yeah thanks." He smiles. "I don't know if you could tell but I wasn't sure if I should text or not."

"Really? No I had no idea that you were having a mental breakdown over a fucking text." I remark sarcastically but he either misses my dry tone or ignores it.

"Ok cool." He smiles putting his phone away. I roll my eyes yet again and look up at the teacher enters.

School finally ends after a whole day of Noah questioning every little thing. I walk outside and freeze when I see Malissas brother by my ute.

He smugly smiles as I approach him.

"Get away from my car." I order walking past him to the drivers seat.

"Come on baby I'm not going to hurt you." He chuckles causing me to look back at him in confusion. "What? Is that not what you said to my sister before you raped her?"

I clench my jaw but ignore him. He walks up to me and grabs my head before kissing me. I push him away and wipe my lips.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I shout.

"Just trying to see how you like it." He smirks. He lunges at me and grabs my dick through my pants.

I punch him in the face and back away from him. Half the school is now watching what's going on. He charges at me and pushes me to the ground before getting on top of my and kissing me yet again. I push him off but he quickly gets on top of me again and starts repeatedly punching my face.

I get him off me and kick him in the balls. He grunts before I elbow him in the nose.

Someone grabs my arm but I pull away from them as I get up. He copies my moves and punches me multiple times before I swipe my foot under his and he drops to the ground.

I get on top and start punching him. He rolls me off him and stands up. His foot meets my jaw before someone else punches him. I get up with some struggle and see Noah screaming at him.

I walk up to him and punch the back of my head. He swings around and clips my jaw.

Sirens speed towards us and watchers start moving to their cars. A cop comes over and yanks me away from Malissas brother as another grabs him.

Noah stands there watching with his chest heaving. A few of the footy guys stand close by watching in silence.

The cop leads me to his car and puts me in the back. We get to the station and he yanks me into a room.

"What are you doing here Danny?" Terry asks as the other cop sits me in the seat.

"Just a fight." I sigh.

An hour passes as the cops talk to other students about what happened. Eventually they come back to me.

"Look you didn't start the fight. We're going to let you off with a warning, but because you're a minor we'll have to call your parents." They explain and I sigh.

Once again I get left there as they call mum or dad. Terry comes in and sits with me until a cop comes in followed by dad.

"Come on." He orders. I stand up and sah bye to Terry before filling him out of the station. "Keys."

"What? No I paid for my car. You aren't taking it." I reply.

"Give me the damn keys." He demands once again. I sigh and dig my keys out of my pocket and place them in his hand.

He looks through them before grabbing the house key and taking it off.

"You can come back to the house when you grow up." He tell me before chucking my keys at me and storming to his car.

I slump my shoulders in defeat before walking back to school to pick up my car. I drive back home with a throbbing headache. As soon as I get there I head into the shed and grab a swag out.

I lie down and try to sleep but the feeling of him grabbing me keeps me awake. I feel something wet on my face and quickly bring my hand up to it.

I notice that tears have formed and quickly wipe them away. I sit up and just stare at the metal wall of the shed.

I have never felt more violated then I did when he touched me. My phone buzzes and I pull it out to see messages from heaps of people. I also see that I have heaps of missed calls from Noah.

I quickly call him back and stand up.

"Danny? What the hell was all that about?" He asks as soon as he picks up.

"Nothing." I mumble as I put the phone on speaker and pace the shed.

"He accused you of raping Malissa. What did you do?" He demands angrily.

"I didn't do anything." I reply with my voice breaking.

"Ok so what happened?" He asks calmer.

"At the party Malissa drugged me."

"What? Did she- did she rape you?" He whispers.

"That's not how it works. I'm a guy." I reply as tears roll down my cheeks.

"What? No. Who told you that?"

"She did after I confronted her."

"You shouldn't listen to her. You didn't consent, which means she raped you. I'm on my way."

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