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"Danny get back to bed." Mum tells me for the third time today.

"I'm not tired." I argue.

"We agreed that you would do a day at school and a days rest. So go rest." She reminds me.

"What about work? We never said anything about work so technically I can work." I propose.

"Daniel." She warns.

"Fine I'm going." I huff rolling my eyes. I go back to my room and lay down. I stare at the ceiling blankly.

All I can think about is Christian. He's the only thing that's been on my mind since he kissed me on Sunday night.

When I saw him last night all I could think is how much I wanted to do it again. However I know that he was drunk and that he would never kiss me sober.

I close my eyes and run my hands over my face. I need to do something, anything. I can't keep doing nothing. Laying here doing nothing.

I grab a ball from my bedside table and throw it in the air before catching it. I don't even know how long I do this for. I eventually stop and sit up. I stand up and start to pace the room.

"Danny in bed." Mum says as she opens the door.

"I can't. I can't just lay there. Let me work. I'll be fine." I beg.

"Fine." She sighs.

"Yes thank you." I reply kissing her cheek before putting my boots on and heading out to the shed.

I grab another car and back it onto the hoist. I look over my notes and see it just needs an oil change.

Despite the very underwhelming job I do it. I continue doing all the cars and most are in fact just small things.

I hated doing the cruiser but now I'm honestly missing it. I want another big project to do instead of all these small boring ones. Mostly ones that don't actually need a mechanic. But if it brings in money it's better then nothing.

Noah's car pulls up and he walks to the garage where I'm currently upgrading the suspension on a Nissan Navara.

"You're working?" He asks as he walks up to me.

"Yep. What are you doing here?" I ask throwing the old coil to the side.

"Just thought I'd drop in and see how you are." He replies sitting down on one of the many camp chairs scattered around the place.

"I'm fine. If it was up to me I'd be doing everything as normal but mum disagrees. Apparently I need a day of rest after every day at school." I sigh.

"Hey at least she cares right?" He shrugs.

"Yeah I guess so." I agree. We both stay silent as I finish the Navara. "Did anything happen with you and chloe?"

"Oh yeah. She's officially my girlfriend." He beams happily.

"Wow. Good on you." I reply with a smile of my own.

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