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"I'm so proud of you." Christian smiles as he kisses my temple. "How was it?"

"Alright. She was really nice. We just kind of talked. I guess she was getting to know me." I shrug as we exit the building.

"Yeah? Do you think you'll go again?" He asks as he opens the car door for me. Something I'm not used to but he seems to do it automatically.

"Uh yeah I think so." I nod lowering myself into the car.

"Good. I glad you liked it."

He spent so long helping me look up physiologists near us that would be suitable. Through all of this he's been so supportive and understanding.

"Do you feel like a coffee?" He asks once he's in the drivers seat. As soon as he's out of the parking spot he takes my hand.

"Uh no I'm right thanks." I reply leaning back in the seat.

"Are you tired?" He asks softly.

"Yeah a bit." I smile holding back a yawn. "But I'll survive."

We continue to drive in silence. The only noise being the radio softly playing in the background.

"When you were high you said something but I don't know if you meant it or not." He comments breaking the silence. I tense knowing i could've said anything.

"What was it?" I ask quietly.

"That you love your boyfriend." He replies softly. I let out a breath in relief but then realise what he said.

I said I love him. Out loud to him. Out of all the ways to tell him I love him I was fucking high and then told him I was going to kill myself.

"I understand if it was the drugs. I just wanted you to know." He says squeezing my hand gently.

"Did I say anything else?" I ask completely avoiding the whole I love you topic.

"Uh yeah. You said I was really pretty but your boyfriend was prettier. And then you accused me of stealing your boyfriend's skin."

"I did what?" I ask with a chuckle.

"You also pulled at my skin to try and make me show my real face." He chuckles.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." I apologise with a small chuckle.

"It was actually extremely funny." He smiles before kissing the back of my hand.

"Really? I didn't hurt you did I?" I ask worriedly.

"No not at all." He chuckles as he pulls into hungry jacks.

"Why are we here?" I ask as he goes to the drive through.

"I know you didn't eat this morning so I'm getting you some lunch." He replies as he stops at the speaker.

I can feel myself blushing and have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling like a complete idiot. I can't believe he picked up on that. My heart seems to be doing summersaults knowing that he noticed the smaller things.

I love him. I love Christian Cole. But I don't know how to tell him.


I nervously hop outside and see people arriving.

"Danny this looks great." Cody comments as he walks up to me.

"You think he'll like it?" I ask biting my lip.

"Definitely. He's been wanting this since, well since his dad died." He replies slowly nodding.

"It's good because he'll know everyone. He's always hated parties when there are people he doesn't know very well. It makes him feel unsafe." Jasper adds before they walk off.

I instantly rack my brain to make sure I only invited people he knows.

I hear a car pull up and instantly look over. Sure enough it's Christian. I hurriedly hobble back through the house and meet him at the front door.

"Hey. Happy birthday." I smile as I gently kiss him.

"Thank you." He whispers before kissing me again.

"Everyone's out the back. I hope you're okay with a barbecue." I tell him as i step aside so he can properly walk in.

"Yeah that's fine." He smiles before walking out.

I nervously follow and bite my lip as he steps outside. I hear a chorus of Happy Birthdays before he turns to look at me.

"You did all this?" He asks quietly. I slowly nod and he hugs me. "Thank you."

I lean my crutches against my body and hug him back. His head rests in my neck and I can feel tears falling onto me. I rub his back before he slowly pulls away.

"It's perfect." He whispers gently kissing me. He seems to debate something before saying three small words that change everything.

"I love you."

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