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It hurts. Everything fucking hurts. I want it to stop. It needs to stop.

"Danny. Danny open your eyes." I hear Christian beg over the ringing in my ears. I slowly open my eyes as sobs falls out of my lips.

"You're going to be ok." He whispers talking my hand.

"It hurts." I cry gripping onto his hand.

"I know. I'm sorry." He replies kissing the back of my hand. I notice he has his phone pressed against his ear with the other hand.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. It's too much. The pain is too strong.

"Oh my god. Danny!" I hear mum yell before footsteps hurry to the shed. She quickly kneels beside me and takes my other hand.

Christian is now hurriedly talking to the emergency service operator. Mum gently wipes my hair away from my face. I make the mistake of deciding to look down.

The car I was working on is crushing my foot. Blood is covering the floor surrounding me.

"No no no don't look." Mum tells me as she carefully moves my head so I can't see.

"Make it stop. please make it stop." I plead through my sobs.

"I'm sorry." She whispers rubbing the back of my hand. "I wish I could."

My rapid breathing and the panic I feel are not a good combination. I can barely breathe. It feels like i'm not getting any oxygen into my lungs.

"The ambos are in the way." Christian tells mum. I hear another scream and look over to see Lucile at the entrance of the shed. Amelia quickly grabs her hand and leads her away.

The car shifts and I let out a loud groan as more pressure is placed on my foot.

"Please." I beg. "Please make it stop. I can't."

"Get some jacks and put them under the car. Use them to stop it from falling further." Christian instructs everyone.

They all hurry around the shed placing jacks under the car as mum sits by me.

"Mum." I whisper when a weird feeling of relief washes over me.

"I'm right here." She tells me holding my hand a bit tighter.

"I can't feel it." I mumble as I start to feel lightheaded.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"The pain. It's gone." I reply. Christian is repeating everything I say back to the operator on the other end of the line.


"I can't feel anything." I heave. "I can't feel it. My foot's numb. I can only feel the pain in my leg."

"It's ok. The paramedics will sort it out ok? It's all going to be fine." She says, although i'm not sure if she's trying to convince me or herself.

The shed falls silent except for my cry's and heavy breathing. Christian says the occasional thing to the operator but no one else dares to talk.

I can feel myself shaking in the wind. Charlotte runs over to my swag and grabs a blanket off it before gently laying it on me.

I start getting more and more lightheaded and eventually close my eyes.

"No eyes open." Mum instructs placing her hand on my cheek. I open them with some struggle and stare up at the tin roof.

I'm scared. My legs on fire but I can't feel my foot. What if they need to get rid of it? What if I won't be able to walk again. What kind of mechanic or footy player can't walk.

I hear someone pull into our driveway and lights reflect through the shed. Tom runs over and leads the paramedics out of the way. Mum moves slightly so a paramedic can get in beside her.

"What's you name?" She asks getting the heart monitor out.

"D-danny." I reply quietly.

"Danny. Is that a nickname?" She says as she attaches all the tabby things to me.

"Yes. It's actually Daniel but everyone call me Danny." I add.

"Ok Danny. Do you remember what happened?"

"I was working in the car when the hoist snapped. it knocked me onto my back then fell onto my foot." I explain in between sobs.

"Ok good. Did he loose consciousness at all?" The other paramedic asks mum.

"Christian?" She asks and he quickly shakes his head.

"No. He's been awake the whole time." He replies.

"Good." He replies.

"I think we should give him the whistle." The lady says. The guy nods and pull the green whistle from his bag. "Breathe through this."

I remove my hand from mums and take the tube. I lift it to my mouth and inhale the fruity substance.

"Good. We're going to try and get you out of here. Just keep breathing through that." She instructs. I nod and tip my head back. Christian gently runs his fingers through my hair as he holds my hand.

I'm so tired. And nauseous. They start moving things around and quickly get dad and Tom to help them.

One of the paramedics come over and put a neck collar thing on. They crouch behind my head and place their arms around my back so they're holding my arms.

"1 2 3." The lady calls out. As soon as she does the car shifts and I'm pulled away from it. A half groan half sob falls from my lips as the pressure is taken off my foot.

They quickly put my foot in a splint and put a whole bunch of bandages with it. They get a board and roll me onto it before lifting me onto the gurney.

They put me in the back of the ambulance and mum climbs in after. She sits by my side gently stroking my arm.

The ride to the hospital seems short and before I know it I'm being unloaded into the emergency room.

As soon as the doctor come they give me a different pain killer. One that's significant stronger which helps to eliminate most of the pain.

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