13. The Night It Begun - Part One

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~ Shine So Bright That It Burns Their F*cking Eyes ~

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~ Shine So Bright That It Burns Their F*cking Eyes ~

On the drive here, I gave it a lot of thought. I was considering how I would let her know that my mother wanted her to attend her business party. Even after what happened between us made the situation more complicated, I was lost on how to approach her.

My thoughts started to hint that I might have liked her. I didn't want to overthink the matter, or perhaps I was being a little too gentle with her. I told her to do a few things away from my office since I couldn't have her there and I could feel the tension building between us. 

Maybe I should send her an invitation through SMS. She'd probably wonder why I didn't tell her while she was at work, and she might not show up, and my mother would be furious. I need to get my balls in gear and quit being so stupid.

I finally gained the confidence to inform her after trying various methods. While I was on my way to check in on the media crew, I noticed her strolling down the corridor. It was almost too good to be true how well she dressed. She was about to walk past me when I muttered something to halt her.

"My mother invited you to her business party this Saturday, and I just wanted to let you know," I said. I told her all at once, "Don't ask me why she asked you; just go; I don't want her bugging me." That finally got out. I was just praying she would say yes so my mother wouldn't want to eat my head off.

"Saturday? Do you mean this Saturday?" Despite what she claimed, she acted as if nothing had ever transpired between us.

I said, "That's what I said."

"Okay. She must have been expecting me to show up. Oh, and before I leave, I have fulfilled all of your requests for today." She handed me a notebook and said, "I listened in on a couple of early morning meetings this morning, and I have everything written down for you."

She was perfect in every way. She did her task on time, and she worked so hard that I had to admire her for it. I find it quite appealing when a woman works hard. I wasn't drawn to her, but the amount of time and effort she puts into her career made me appreciate her.

Looking at her after spending some time staring at the notepad, I said, "Look," hating to confess that I could have a soft place for her. She gave off the impression that she would be the kind of person to listen to your issues and help you work through them. I acknowledge that I was at fault, but I didn't behave with the greatest of intentions, "I apologize for what happened the other day. I take responsibility for my actions and they were not in keeping with my best intentions."

"It's okay," she said, putting her lip between her teeth. "You're like that, and I'm getting use to it."

I could feel the air in my chest squeeze for a moment. We remained silent, neither of us saying anything to the other. I despised dead air.

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