22. Be My Date

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Alone in the hotel room, the silence felt heavy. I couldn't shake the longing for his touch, even though I knew he was going to marry someone else. It felt selfish to want him, but I couldn't help it. Despite the rationality of it all, the ache remained—a battle between my heart and mind that left me feeling lost. So I stayed there, grappling with the conflicting emotions, resigned to the solitude that surrounded me.

With a finger twirling in my hair, I dialed Sally's number, urgency evident in my actions. "I need to escape," I groaned as soon as she picked up.

"Sucks to be you. How are you holding up there?" Sally's voice sounded slightly preoccupied.

"I want him. And it sounds messy knowing he's going to marry Athena, but she's a complete bitch," I confessed, frustration coloring my tone.

"Then go get him. I mean not to get yourself tied by the knot."

"No...I can't just do that," I replied, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

She was silent for a while, letting her words hang in the air.

"Then find someone else. As your friend, getting tied up in a love triangle will hurt you. You are not his first priority," she advised gently, her tone conveying concern.

I sighed, feeling the weight of my words. "You do have a point," I conceded, realizing the truth in her statement.

"Then do what you gotta do sis. Put on your big girl shoes," she said, her voice firm yet supportive.

Lost in thought for a while, I grappled with the complexities of the situation. I knew I couldn't continue to be his second choice, especially if it risked causing problems in their relationship.

"I'll figure something," I finally said, determination creeping into my tone.

After an hour of hashing out possibilities with her, I crawled back into bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on me. As I closed my eyes, sleep threatened to overtake me like a time bomb. The soft duvet slid off my bare legs, and in the darkness, a familiar scent filled the air, instantly calming me. I could sense his presence over me, his dark hair barely visible in the dim light, his scent a comforting blend of mint and whisky.

His fingers gently caressed my cheeks, his touch both familiar and electrifying. My heart raced as he twirled loose strands of hair away from my face, his husky voice breaking the silence of the room.

"I can't stop thinking about you," he confessed, his words hanging heavily in the air.

I felt a rush of emotions flood through me at his admission. "I'm starting to second guess my choices," he continued, his voice filled with uncertainty.

In the darkness, I could barely make out the outline of his eyes, but I could feel the intensity of his gaze. Panic gripped me as I realized the proximity of our encounter. What if Athena saw us? She was just in the other room. Despite the thought, his touch on the strap of my spaghetti top sent a wave of emotions through me, his fingers grazing my bare skin and sending shivers down my spine.

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