Prologue - The sighting

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        Eyeless Jack trudged through the forest, the moonlight mostly covered by the abundance of leaves. The dirt and grass underneath him stiff, the occasional snap of a branch when he stepped on one and the ever so heavy breath coming from him.

Eyeless Jack, he was notorious for his killings, taking the kidneys of his victims and doing god knows what with them. He worked for Slenderman, whom owned a large mansion in a pocket dimension in the woods. The missions were usually not too tough, frequently just being the occasional kill or two. This mission though, he couldn't do it. 

Gasping for air, he made it to the city, climbing up a pipe and boosting himself up to the rooftop, he laid there, taking heavy breaths on after the other. He was covered in blood which, luckily, was not his. He got up and made his way over ledge of the building where he started to clean himself off. 

"Fuck..." He muttered under his breath, the blood was especially difficult to clean off, usually he'd have no problem with blood but this time he was sopping wet from head to toe in the tangy red liquid.

Out of nowhere, he heard laughter and screams coming from below him. He whipped his head around and peered below from the tall building he was on. Down below was around 4 or 5 people surrounding a young girl, who was beaten up pretty bad, she looked as if you were in agony.  Screaming and crying in anguish, writhing in pain as punches and kicks were thrown her way, and nothing but giggles and chuckles left the mouths of the perpetrators. Eyeless Jack watched, blushing and flustered... He didn't think the sight of someone being bullied was particularly pleasant but— god was that girl cute.

He turned back around, slumping against the cold concrete ledge. He wanted to know everything about you, who you were, how you were like...everything. He had to.

He spent the next 3 months stalking you whenever he could, putting together a notebook full of everything he knew about you, personal information and all. One thing he loved to do was to follow you to school, although, he couldn't actually go inside since he looked different than all of the other students. 

Eyeless Jack sneaks out of the mansion to watch you quietly every night through your bedroom window, examining your face thoroughly before going back. He wished he could stay longer but if he didn't, he'd be scolded the next morning by Slenderman. 


Hi, author here...I hope you enjoyed (?) :,D

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