Chapter 12: Ben?

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        The next day you were reading yet again another book when you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. It was Ben and he looked... different, his skin was paler, his eyes were a darker hue of red, his hair looked more desaturated and he was shivering.

         "Ben...are you alright." In an instant, he pounced on you, suddenly gaining sharp claws. His mouth stretched into an unnatural grin from ear to ear, he looked as if he was ready to rip your face off. You screamed, trying to push him off of you as he desperately clawed in your direction, he managed to land deep gashes into your forearms. Blood spilt from your wounds, dripping onto your face as you exerted all your strength into keeping him away from you. 

Adrenaline coursed through your veins at lightning speed and you felt a mixture of a sense of dread and somewhat of a high. You heard someone rush down from the stairs, someone finally heard your cries for help. You turned your head with the last of your strength before you passed out. It was Jeff the killer, a man with skin as pale as snow and long, black hair rushed over to you, screaming something you couldn't understand.


You woke up, seeing the outline of two people. As your vision became clearer, you saw it was Jack and Jeff. Your ears were ringing and you could only make out a few words from what they were saying.

        "Thing...Ben...cannot...again..." You managed to make out from what Jack was saying and Jeff nodded along.

        "Not...Him." You heard before you passed out again.


You woke up again in the same room, except this time, Jack was the only one there. He was seated at a desk, writing something, his back was facing you. You could barely talk or whisper, laying in the bed with an iv in your wrist.

It had to be about thirty minutes before he noticed you. He got up from his chair and walked over to the side of the bed.

        "Hey, you're awake? Ben must've done a number on you, you almost died." He sighed. "That wasn't Ben. The big boss isn't sure what exactly it was but it was definitely related to the fact that, before Ben was possessed, he reported feeling eyes on him." He looked away, you could see the sadness in his black, gooey eyes. You tried to talk but you could only whisper your words.

        "W-What happened to Ben?" 

        "He's...In the basement. Locked up...chained to the wall. He grimaced, cringing a bit at his words.

        "Oh.." You managed to whisper before you passed out again.


You woke up, finally being able to sit up and talk normally. You saw Jack once more next to your bed and a few others with him.

        "Oh darling, are you alright?" Jane asked worriedly, running up to you and putting a hand on your forehead.

        "Y-Yeah, I think I'm fine now." You smiled awkwardly.

        "You were out for about a week..." Jeff commented, looking at the drained iv fluid bags.

        "You must be pretty stinky then.." Nina commented, looking you up and down. You rolled her eyes at her comment before thanking everyone and heading back to you room. You then took a shower and laid on your bed, exhausted. It was almost as if you could still hear the deep breaths and snarling from Ben, though it was all in your imagination, he in the basement and you were upstairs, two floors above him. There was no way you'd be able to hear him, or is there?

Stalker - Yandere!Eyeless Jack x Bullied!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now