Chapter 9: Reluctant forgiveness

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        You woke up to knocking on your door. You sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, walking over to the door. 

        "Who is it?" You called out, about to open the door.

       "It's" A familiar voice spoke back although you couldn't pin it on anybody. You opened the door and to your surprise/horror, the infamous Eyeless Jack was standing in front of you.

        "W-What do you want?" You said meekly, your voice shaking and your grip on the doorknob getting tighter.

        "So I heard from the boss that you'll be living with us temporarily so...I came to apologize." He said, his apology sounding very genuine but you didn't trust him. He was the reason you woke up here in the first place. You slammed the door at his face with anger. 

        "Whoa whoa! Stop overreacting!" He yelled, taken by surprise.

        "Overreacting?! You kidnapped me and I almost died because of you!!" You yelled back, you couldn't believe this guy!

        "Oookay maybe I was a little bit violent but give me the chance to make it up to you!" He said from behind the door. You were fuming, but you didn't want to piss off someone who was many times stronger than you. Reluctant, you opened the door slowly, looking up at him. He was at least 5'5 or taller, you saw how he towered over you.

        "Fine.." You crossed you arms, "How will you do that?" You visibly rolled your eyes at the sight of him.

        "Maybe we could hang out..?" He shrugged his shoulders "Dunno.." 

You rolled your eyes one more at him "Fine, sure. Let's hang out." You gritted your teeth in annoyance. Hanging out with anybody else in this mansion would be better than him..

        "Cool..? Let's hang out tomorrow..goodbye." He said, shrugging and walking away back to his room. Though he seemed chill, he was actually beaming on the inside. You scoffed and closed your door, going to lay back down on your bed.

Seems like you've been spending quite a lot of time in your room these past few days... You should probably go explore, no?  You got up out of bed after much convincing yourself. You felt as if you had no energy left to even move anymore. Sigh...

You left your room and decided to give yourself a tour of the outside of the mansion. You walked downstairs and saw a couple people playing games, reading or eating. They didn't once look at you and you didn't pay any mind to them. Your only focus was the sliding glass door at the back of the house. You slowly walked towards it but your foot caught onto something that sent you plummeting towards the floor.

        "Gah!" You said, impact hitting you like a rock. You groaned in pain, laying on the floor.

        "Whoops haha..!" You heard a guy chuckling from above you and you turned your head towards the voice from the floor. It was that guy you saw not too long ago, the one dressed in green with dark black eyes and red blood spilling out. He looked down at you from above with an awkward smile. 

He lent you a hand and you clasped yours in his as he pulled you up.

        "Heh..Sorry.." He smiled awkwardly, letting go of your hand.

        "It's fine." You gave him a small smile and he nodded before going back to whatever he was doing before. You walked up to the glass door and slid it open, looking at the large forest area surrounding the mansion. It was a large forest and you wondered if there was an end.. You decided to sit on the chair in the small patio before heading inside. The fresh, cold air was just what you needed, it was great.

        "Hey.." You heard a familiar voice from behind you.


hi hope u enjoyed :)

Stalker - Yandere!Eyeless Jack x Bullied!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now