Chapter 1 - His energetic roommates.

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Before the chapter starts, I just want to say that in most books, the creepypastas are like super energetic etc so I guess that's how my book will be as well.



Eyeless Jack sneaked back into his assigned room at 2:03 AM, he took a shower and laid in bed. He grabbed his notebook, titled 'Y/N' and started writing, he spent a good 15 minutes writing about you and everything that went on during the day.

Suddenly, he heard the doorknob turn, and he jumped, shoving the notebook under his pillow. He'd forgotten to lock the door and hadn't expected anybody to come looking for him at 2AM. He successfully hid the book but didn't have enough time to get into a position so he was just sitting on the bed awkwardly.

 The door flew open and a head popped out, it was Jeff the Killer. 

"Hey, I saw your light on. You're the only one up this early and- Wait...What were you doing before I came into the room?" He questioned with a perplexed gaze, stepping into the room and closing the door shut behind him. Eyeless Jack stared him in horror as Jeff began asking questions, he was never more grateful to have been wearing his mask.

"Erm- So you see...I just came back to the mansion when I- uh, went to go shower. Then you came in, I just showered." Jack replied, having been caught completely off guard.

"That can't be right, I heard the shower close 15 minutes ago, what were you doing?" Jeff questioned once more, furrowing his eyebrows.

"None of your business, anyway...What did you want with me in the early hours of the morning...?" Jack said, quickly changing the topic.

"Right!" Jack replied, beaming and completely forgetting what they were talking about, "I was going to ask if you wanted to play Minecraft with me?" He said in a pleading voice.

"... Why don't you ask someone else?" Jack questioned. "I'm for sure not your first choice to ask so what's up?" 

"Everyone keeps killing me or blowing up my house." Jeff said awkwardly. The room was silent for a second before Eyeless Jack busted out laughing, wiping nonexistent tears from his eyes.

"Pfft-" Eyeless Jack was a solemn person most of the time but he couldn't help himself when it came to making fun of the other proxies.

"Are you done yet?" Jeff groaned, rolling his eyes. 

"Yeah...Maybe tomorrow though 'cause it's almost 3AM." Jack said, gesturing to the alarm clock on his bedside table. 

Jeff didn't reply, giving him a look of 'seriously' before leaving the room.

Eyeless Jack thought about you before sleeping, closing the lights and going to bed.


You wake up, completely bruised from the night before, you wished you didn't have to get beat up almost every other night. In fact, your body almost couldn't take it anymore. You've had to make up excuses for why you had broken limbs most of the time. 

You laid in bed contemplating whether or not to get up when, suddenly, you hear a small ding from next to you, you grab your phone, turning it on to see the notification.

'See you on Monday!' the text read, it was from one of your bullies, you wished you were strong enough to fight back but you simply could not. See, last year you got a boyfriend, his name was Brad and he was a cute nerd. One thing you didn't know about him though, was that he was a jerk. Your relationship was getting very serious, and you thought it was all picture perfect until, Brad blocked you out of nowhere. This wouldn't have been super big of an issue if he hadn't sent you a long ass message listing everything he hated about you.

Turns out, he was dared to date you for 200$. You cried and cried, using boxes of tissues within the span of a few days, it was terrible. For the last year you've been used as a human punching bag for no reason at all other than the bullies being bored. You slumped back into your bed, groaning.

You could walk but your abdomen was pretty painful, you didn't want to tell your parents though cause then they'll want to know everything and you could not risk that. 

You spent the Saturday on your laptop, scrolling through blogs and internet forums, oblivious to curious eyes peering through your multiple bedroom windows. He came to install small cameras to your windows to keep an eye on you at all times, it was creepy but he felt it was necessary and, as soon as he came, he was gone. 

Eyeless Jack spent the rest of the day playing Minecraft with Jeff or watching you through the cameras. 

"FUCKING HELL!" Shouted Jeff, "My house...It's been blown up by a-a-a CREEPER. Goddamnit I hate this game." He groaned, fixing his house. 

"Sounds like a skill issue to me." Eyeless Jack muttered before pulling up the camera recordings on a separate tab. 

The day was going well, for him at least. You were still groaning in pain while watching youtube. The bruises were driving you crazy.


Hope you enjoyed, I wrote this at 1am just so you know.

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