Chapter 4 - The Mansion

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        You woke up the next morning on the dirty concrete floor, with your wrists and ankles tied together and duct tape on your mouth. It was pitch black and you were terrified, struggling against your restraints. The ropes were tight, squeezing your wrists and ankles. You tried to get the duct tape off your mouth with your saliva and teeth, biting and wearing down the tape, and, eventually, you managed to get it off. Spitting the tape out, you began observing your surroundings more closely.

There was nothing much on the ground except a dirty paperclip, a rusty screwdriver and some paper remnants. You didn't think any of these objects would help you get the thick, tight rope off your wrists or ankles. Suddenly, the door to the basement was opened, you could see the light rush in, illuminating part of the large basement. Footsteps began to walk down the stairs and you pretended to be passed out. 

You heard heavy breathing as you pretended to be asleep. Silence filled the room for quite some time before you heard them go back up again. It must've been Eyeless Jack.. you thought, opening your eyes back up when you knew nobody was there.

You took a deep breath and waited a few minutes, hoping he left or something. Then you raised your head up and began to scream for help.

        "HELP, HELP!!! IS ANYBODY THERE??" You screamed, straining your vocal cords. You hoped someone would come to the rescue, that someone would save you...someone, anyone. To your surprise, you heard slow footsteps make their way closer and closer to the door, the door swinging open in one swift motion. 

You looked up, not being able to see the door but you could see their silhouette, a tall and slim figure, followed by another one. They stayed still for a couple seconds. 

        "Please help me..." You said nervously, hoping they would want to help you, hopefully. It was silent for a while before you heard them coming downstairs, you prayed silently they did not have any malicious intent. 

When they finally got downstairs, you saw one figure was dressed in an orange jacket with a black mask, painted on red eyes. The other had a yellow jacket with a white mask, brown hair sticking out.

        "Hi...Could I get some help?" You said, looking up at them slightly embarrassed. Deafening silence in the room, your hands started to get sweaty. The two stared at you for what seemed for be hours, you wondered what could be going on in their heads.

After a while, the one in orange gave you a small nod and picked you up, slowly. You were still tied up at the wrists and ankles, and the restraints started to hurt.   

        "Quit squirming." He hissed quietly in your ear as he took you up the stairs, the boy in yellow following you two not far behind. He shoved a hand over your mouth as you reached ground level and he swerved behind a wall. You managed to catch a glimpse of more people happily eating at a dining table, they looked a bit weird though. 

One had blood dripping out his sockets and another had a porcelain white mask on. You supposed this was normal for them, they all seemed like roommates so that's the narrative you decided to go with.

You tried to talk but his hand clasped over your mouth so tight it felt almost suffocating. He took you up the stairs and threw you into a strange room. It was a cold, chilly room, you heard the door shut and lock immediately after.

This was, not the help you wanted, in fact, it wasn't even help. You were certain that the restraints were restricting your blood flow, badly. And, no matter how much you struggled, they remained the same. You started to think you'd have to amputate your hands and feet.

It started to hurt, badly and you were convinced they got tighter every second. You began to slip in and out of consciousness on the cold, dark wood floor. There was nothing in your sight except for a worn out bed in the room with you. You passed out on the floor.

You woke up hours later, on the bed with a soft blanket over you. Your restraints were, surprisingly, undone. You got out of bed, inspecting the red lines on your wrist and ankles from the ropes and turned to observe the room. It was quite small, one single bed, one rocking chair, one window and one big brown door with a shiny yellow knob. The room looked pretty old, grey vintage striped wallpaper starting to wear and you could see visible cobwebs in the corners.

The dust levels were enough to make you sneeze every half hour or so, and you wanted to get the hell out of there. First, you tried turning the doorknob to no avail, it was locked from the other side. You tried breaking the door down, slamming your body against it and you even tried with the rocking chair. The best you could do was make a decent dent in the wood.

You ended up throwing the chair through the window, making a large crash. You heard footsteps rush to the door and you quickly jumped out, landing on the pieces of shattered glass, pricking your skin. There wasn't any time to writhe in pain though, you could hear the door being unlocked from the other side, key turning the lock, and you made a break for it into the woods. 


hope u enjoyed 

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