Chapter 17: THE END

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     It was completely random but you had feelings for the masked guy and you needed to tell him. You put away the dirty dishes and readied yourself by taking a couple deep breaths. With everything that's been happening so far, this was pretty mundane. You hyped yourself up in the mirror a little before going to go look for him. Eyeless Jack.. Where could he be? Your room? No, the closet? No.. 

You decided to take a look in his room, lo and behold, Eyeless Jack. Sitting on the bed, his hot mask-wearing face with his gooey black eyes turned to you. He quietly waved at you and gestured for you to sit next to him, a blush emerged and you covered it with your hand. The two of your hands grazed each other and you could feel he felt it too. The connection. 

You felt compelled to take initiative and hold his hand, you could feel him flinch, he turned away.

     "Jack.." You started, ready to tell him how you felt. You could feel his gaze turn back to you, his beautiful pitch black stare was enough to make you blush. 

     "I think I like you-" he smashed his lips onto yours and you were completely taken aback. You gasped for air when he pulled away.

     "W-What was that?"

     "I should've told you sooner but.. I like you aswell, Y/N. I have, for a long time actually." He turned to look away, blushing.

     "Oh, Jack.. It's okay, you should've waited and told me when you were ready, no rush." You gave him a small kiss on the cheek and intertwined your fingers.

     "Does this mean we're a couple now..?" You looked up at him, shyly.

     "We can be, if you want." He chuckled, putting his mask back on. You slowly reached over and peeled it off once more.

      "I like you without it, hehe.." You smiled, your cheeks were pink, almost red by now. 

      "If it's you.. I guess I could wear it off more often from now on.." He kissed you once more and the two of you sat in silence. The silence felt good with him, you felt comfortable. 


Stalker - Yandere!Eyeless Jack x Bullied!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now