Chapter 7: The Boss

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        You had a split second to hide and with nowhere to run, you ducked behind a counter, hands over your mouth. Thankfully, the food you had been feasting on just under 5 minutes ago was already disposed of, with no evidence left of your famished thievery. You heard the sound of many pairs of footsteps enter the vicinity, talking and laughter filling the silence from before. 

You heard everyone make their way over to the stairs and breathed a sigh of relief, but your moment of ease was short lived when somebody spotted you. It was a guy with blonde hair dressed in green with dark red substance flowing out from his eyes. The two of you engaged in eye contact for a few seconds and the other people noticed.

Within seconds you were surrounded, cowering in the corner of the kitchen, you saw Eyeless Jack and the two men in yellow and a lighter shade of yellow standing behind the group of people. They slowly made their way closer to you,

        "Who are you?!" 

        "Why are you in our house?!" They shouted, raising their weapons against you.

        "It's not what it looks like!! I was kidnapped and brought here, by him!!" You shouted back, pointing at Eyeless Jack, everyone's gaze turned to him.

        "What?! I don't even know who you are, much less have a reason to kidnap you.." He seemingly rolled his eyes (though you couldn't tell because he doesn't have pupils, just all black). You scoffed, rolling your eyes.

        "You can't be serious right now!! Stop lying! You see this?? You did this to me!" You shouted, pointing at the bruise on your head, you were certain you got a concussion from him. You didn't even bother mentioning all your other injuries on your body, surprised you hadn't passed out from blood loss at this point.

It must've been the adrenaline, you thought because just as you calmed down, you started to feel faintish. You wobbled slightly, failing to keep balance and, you fell. You head hitting the floor, a loud thump as you feel to the ground. Everybody else didn't know what to do, and they took you to their boss, Slenderman.

Loud static boomed in your ears and you jolted upwards as a result. You saw Slenderman infront of you and you could barely make out the words.

        yOu haVE trespassED. telL mE wHY or You wiLl Be sUBjeCTeD tO A PaiNful DeaTh. DO Not TeSt mE, Y/n. 

The voice rang in your ears loudly and you covered your ears with your hand but attempts to quiet the sound was futile, it sounded as if the voice came from inside you head. You felt tears fall from your eyes, you looked up at Slenderman, who was sitting at his desk Infront of you, hands crossed in front of himself. But also, why and how did he know your name..?

        "Please stop!! I'll tell you everything just-" You choked out "PLEASE STOP!!" You shouted, the ringing in your head becoming too much. And all of a sudden, it stopped. The ringing came to a halt and you looked up at Slenderman, who was waiting for you to start talking.

        "Okay, okay so uh- where do I start.." You thought, "I was minding my business when I was kidnapped by Eyeless jack, one of your employee I presume? He kept me in a room and then two men dressed in yellow raincoats took me to what I think was the basement? I was also tied up, my wrists and my ankles were tied together with ropes, really tight.. I was kept in the basement..." You explained everything to the entity and soon it seemed mad.

The slight outline of a frown on its face and its tentacles wiggling around a little too aggressively, you also noted Slenderman's crossed hands squeezing a little too tightly.

        "You are...dismissed. You may occupy one of our empty bedrooms for the time being whilst we figure out what to do with you. And- make yourself at home." Slenderman said in a very unwelcoming tone which caused shivers to go down your spine, thinking about what he really meant to say.

As you exited Spiderman's office, you were greeted with a tall black haired woman wearing a porcelain looking face mask. She greeted you and introduced herself as Jane, she shook your hand and make small talk before leading you to one of their empty rooms.


You laid in your new bed, exhausted with everything that's happened these past few days, you thought everyone here (except Eyeless Jack because he is an actual serial murderer on Earth and makes appearances) was just an internet creepy pasta. Like those fictional stories you read just to scare yourself, like- come on!! Ben Drowned is a real person/ghost?? Are you kidding me?!

You sat up in your bed trying to convince yourself this is a dream, or you're hallucinating, though, if this was a dream it is for sure a very realistic one. You checked the time, 10:00 PM the alarm clock read, and you started getting ready for bed. You didn't quite trust anyone here wouldn't try pulling something, and so, you propped up a wooden chair against the doorknob to semi lock it from intruders. You made a smug smile and went to bed.


;p; lol sorry guys for not updating this book in a while its been almost a week I think. I try posting every once a week or every few days. I hope you enjoyed :)

Stalker - Yandere!Eyeless Jack x Bullied!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now