Chapter 15: A kiss

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You called out to him,

    "Jack..Yes, I'm in here." You heard the knob twist open and heard the door shut behind him. You felt the bed shift as he sat next to you. 

     "About last night.."

     "Huh?" You could feel anxiousness creeping up on you.

     "You said you could hear Ben, right? That shouldn't be possible, I'm sure Slenderman has him chained in the basement, I was told the ben's system has corrupted him. He's become one with the code." He sighs, putting his hand over yours. It was wrong, but, your heart fluttered for a moment.

     "I-Is that true? Yes, I can hear him..It's like a ghostly whisper which sends shivers down my spine. It makes me feel compelled to comply with his orders..which is why what happened last night happened.." You mumbled the last part, looking away.

    "It's true, I've seen it for myself, it turns him into a rabid-like animal." He hadn't interacted much with Ben and, never cared for him really, but this still made him a little worried.

     "Ben.." You sighed. "I just don't understand why I keep hearing things, I must be sick.."

     "If you're sick.." He said, pinning you to the bed, "Then I should treat you, it might not look like it around here, but I play doctor in this mansion." 

     "Jack..?" You couldn't help but fluster at the sight of him on top of you, the sudden romantic tension swirling throughout the room. As heart pounded against your chest rapidly, you bit your lip in anxiousness. You clutched the sheets nervously, waiting for a response.

     "..." He whispered, he seemed to be caught up in a trance of his emotions, you'd never seen him this way before. It was honestly kind of attractive, the way he hid behind his mask made your heart flutter in ways you'd never felt.

     "J-Jack..?" You whispered back, caught in the same trance as him, the two of you stared. His gloved hand caressed your cheek, you could feel yourself getting redder at his touch. You wanted to ask him what he was doing but at the same time, you enjoyed this feeling. 

Without uttering another word, Jack lifted his mask slightly and leaned in, closing the distance between your lips. His kiss was soft at first, a delicate one that sent a wave of warmth through your body. The nervousness left, replaced by a electric connection. His gloved hand slid down your neck, deepening the kiss.

The weight of the mysteries and the unsettling events surrounding Ben faded away, leaving only the two of you tangled in an intimate embrace. Breaking the kiss, Jack quickly put his mask back on, 

     "I don't want you to feel alone because of these whispers," he confessed. "I-I've got to admit, I've always liked you and after that kiss, I think you do too. I'm ready to face whatever comes ahead...together.." He couldn't say more than that, as a lump had formed in his throat, he was screaming at himself internally. Oh god, why did he say that? 

A genuine smile played on your lips as you responded, "I'm not sure how you're planning to play doctor, but I think I might enjoy your unusual methods." Jack chuckled, and you both shared a bit of laughter, a comforting connection blossoming between the two of you. It was clear now, you two were in love and there was nothing that was gonna stop you from being together.



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