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Hi Cara! I had so much fun with you last saturday night. I've never imagine myself swimming, drinking or even bonding with you. But I want to be honest. I find it hard to accept that you have found someone else to replace me. I know it's a connsequence for my decision before. If you would give me the chance to be with you again and to show you what I feel for you, I will grab the opportunity and never waste it. Dad isn't against us but he just wants what's best for me. That's what he said. Anyway, can I see you tomorrow?



The sender was Nate??.. How did he get my number? Oh maybe he asked mom.. Whoa! He's asking for another chance but I love someone else. I called Jiro and told him Nate's text message for me.

"You're thinking of giving him a second chance?" Jiro asked.

"No, of course not. But I don't know why I feel guilty." I replied.

"Cara, listen. He knows what happened to you after he left you. If he's really concern, why didn't he show up during the times you were bedridden. When you were commatosed. If he reasons that he cannot just leave France, it's something preferred over you. I'm not giving you a bad influence or even brainwashing your mind. In the end, it's still up to you if you would give him another chance."

"No, I don't love him anymore. Despite of what happened, I'm still willing to be his best friend, but more than that? It's a different story. I was mentally, emotionally and physically damaged. A mere apology won't bring it to what it was before. Besides, I love you. I cannot think I could love someone other than you."

I almost cried when...

"Hey! Can you please stop being so dramatic! I'm already dreaming and your freaking voice woke me up! Please, it's already ten. Let me sleep."

I paused for a while without realizing that Jiro is laughing over the phone.

"Yah! Moment wrecker. Just sleep, sleepy head. Hmp!" I reacted.

"I can imagine your facial reactions babe."Jiro said.

"What the. Okay fine see you tomorrow. Good night."

"Hey babe, peaaaace! Okay good night. I love you too."

"I didn't say, I love you?"

"You just said it. Good night! Drop the call now."

I dropped the call and went to Amber's bed. I kissed her goodnight then closed the lights. I lied to on my bed and pulled out the comforter cause I cannot sleep without it. I just remembered last season it's winter and now, a freaking hot summer. Good thing we already have an air conditioner in our room.

I woke up at six in the morning. The humidity is low unlike last night. Good thing we have a hot shower. I took a bath then I woke Amber, she has to prepare for her class.

"Amber! Wake up. It's already seven!"While her class is seven-thirty.

"Oh my gosh! I'm almost late." She jumped off her bed and immediately entered the shower room. She took a bath for only ten minutes. She ate so fast. By seven-twenty, the driver has already sent her to school.

At the dining area, mom is already there. She prepares her coffee while I prepare my chocoffee drink or whatever they call it.

"Mom! Our party is already next week. I still don't have dress to wear."

"Don't you have any dress there?"

"No mom, besides it's a ball."

"So you should wear gown, dear. Okay, after your class, proceed to the boutique near your sister's school. Let's meet there. They allow gown rentals."

"Yey! Okay mom!"

I took some fried rice and cheesy chicken sausage. I ate a lot and it made me so full. My second brother went out of his room and joins us in table while Allen is still sleeping.

"Drei... What time is your class today?"

"Eleven, mom. Why?"

"Pass by the hardware and buy the items on the list. The list is posted on the refrigerator door. We have to rellocate the outlet because I bought new closet. But the outlet will be useless if it is not rellocated."

"Okay mom, copy."


It's past one when I reached our school. Crap, it's really summertime! I'm sweating! I pulled out my phone and texted Junee. I told her I'm going to meet them.

We met at the cafeteria. I want them to tell me stories about their Valentines dates. Since Chammy, Gelo, Chella, Cher, Jenna and John were not available during the given schedules, they forfeited their prizes and asked for money instead. Good thing, managers of the event were nice and converted their prices to cash.

"Honey, what food do you want to eat?" Cher asked Jenna.

"Just buy food for one and were gonna share on it."Jenna, being so frugal and practical.

"I see how boyfriends work." I commented.

"Uh Cara please. Stop it. I know you envy me so much. Wahaha."

"Yeah, nevermind." I said.


After our class, I contacted mom and told her that I am going to choose my gown. By five, I have reached the boutique and started fitting ball gowns, waiting for mom at the same time.

I've been waiting for more than an hour but mom is still not coming. I called her and I started worrying. I dialled Jiro's number and ask him to accompany me while isn't yet coming. Fifteen minutes have passed and Jiro came but mom isn't here yet.

"Have you called her?" Jiro asked.

"Yes, few times already. Babe, it worries me..." I answered. Just exactly when I am dialing her number again, she entered.. Uh oh, with.... Nate.

"Hi Cara." Disregarding Jiro, he went to me and kissed my right cheek.

"Hi Jiro! Nice to see you again. I'm sorry dear, Nate fetched me from office and we had a very long time because it's so traffic. Nate has something for you. He also handed me an invitation for his birthday. I'm sorry for making you worry" Mom explained.

"It's okay mom.." I replied.

Jiro seems uneasy, I can feel it. But he tries to control his temper because if not, anytime from now, I know he'll hit Nate in any way he wants.

"Cara, I want you to be there on my twenty-second birthday. Please come. I'm sure you will enjoy a lot." Nate told me. Oh, there it is, I can feel Jiro's temper becoming uncontrollable.

"Okay so, Cara, have you chosen a ball gown? Go choose a dress that you are going to wear for Nate's birthday." Mom said.

"Now? Why now?" I irritatingly asked.

"Because it's already on friday night. Please Cara, choose. I'll handle the costs." Nate begged.

"No need, we can pay for our dresses. Oh mom, how about you, do you already have dress to wear.?" I said.

"No dear, the party is closed for friends. A separate dinner will be held on saturday night." Mom said.

"Oh, uh... okay."

"So, Cara. Choose your dress now." Nate insisted.

Jiro can't react. He remained silent and after almost an hour, we are already home and ate our dinner. That idle time in the boutique made me hungry.



Since I write the story spontaneously, story line may be different from the title. Thanks for understanding... :)))

CRAPPPP!! I uploaded everything based on chapters and Wattpad rumbled it. Now capter thirteen comes after chapter twelve, I think? how should I fix this?? T.T

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