CHAPTER 32 - PART 1(c)

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Zhan on seeing the action of his beloved smiled as this so called cool guy of his life is just a clingy kitten in his sleep and seeing the boy like this always makes him giddy as he holds the boy in his arms tightly and closed his eyes as he too i...

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Zhan on seeing the action of his beloved smiled as this so called cool guy of his life is just a clingy kitten in his sleep and seeing the boy like this always makes him giddy as he holds the boy in his arms tightly and closed his eyes as he too is tired because of all the proceedings of the day as his morning started too early because of his video conference and now the man is really tired and he just want to have his well deserved rest so he was about to close his eyes to also have is well deserving sleep when suddenly he heard his phone's ringtone making the already tired CEO to frown, and since he is no mood to talk to anyone he just decided to ignore it and as the phone stopped ringing the CEO smiled as he brought his kitten close to his heart and was about to drift to his sleep when again the ringtone is heard making the CEO frown as he again decided to ignore it but this time the one sleeping in his arms started squrirming in his sleep and Zhan when felt the moment of his beloved opened his eyes as he saw Yibo with a frown on his face and Zhan seeing this knows that if he don't pick up the call now then his beloved will wake up and the loving husband Zhan is he just decided to end his comfort as he fished out his ringing phone and was about to pick up but before he did so the call ended making Zhan scowl but when saw the number was a little bit startled as he knows that everyone knows that if CEO SEAN XIAO don't pick up the call in one go then he might be busy or resting and no one has that guts to call the man again but only two conditions are there first, that it is something important that might require his urgent attention and second, it is Kuan, cheng or Ning and, today it's the second option and as Zhan fished out his phone he is thinking what could be the reason but he first decided to make his little husband comfortable so he just planted a forehead kiss as he patted the boy's back as he in a soft voice spoke, "sleep love!" And Yibo on hearing his warmth smiled as he just hummed and again drifted off to his sleep.

Zhan after making sure that the boy has slept was about to dial the number when the phone rang as Zhan answered it, "hello!" And Kuan who has been calling Zhan when heard his voice spoke, "hey buddy, you fine?" And Zhan on hearing this with a smile spoke, "yes, I am!" And Kuan hearing this was about to speak when suddenly cheng's voice was heard, "is it Zhan?" startling the two as Zhan hearing the voice spoke, "is Cheng also there?" And Kuan on hearing his husband's and his friend's question spoke, "yes!"

Cheng on hearing Kuan's answer immediately settled beside his husband as he spoke, "Zhan, is Yibo fine?" As from the day he and the actor had a fight the actor didn't interacted him making him feel a little bit sad as he never thought that his words will affect Yibo like this and he has hoped that in the evening the boy will talk with him but when the next day Zhan called him telling that they both are going for a trip next week and Cheng when heard this felt a pain as he just wanted Yibo to tell him and his hope of the boy talking with him shattered as he realized that his friend is really angry with him, and when Zhan was about to end the call he has asked Zhan to ask Yibo to talk to him and Zhan who has heard Cheng could understand the worry of his husband's friend and manager so he with a smile has replied that he will ask Yibo to do so making Cheng smile and right now he really wanted to know about the young actor as he knows that they both are leaving for the trip today and he just wanted to make sure that his friend is alright.

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