CHAPTER 32 - PART 5(a)

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The clock has been striking at 8:00 am in the country of Edinburgh and the two souls are seen sleeping together cuddling in each other arms in the tent which they have built together in the midnight, as Yibo is seen sleeping on his man's chest whi...

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The clock has been striking at 8:00 am in the country of Edinburgh and the two souls are seen sleeping together cuddling in each other arms in the tent which they have built together in the midnight, as Yibo is seen sleeping on his man's chest while the young heir is hugging the younger tightly from his waist as a smile is appearing on his face and with this the room is falling into silence as their breaths are falling into regular pace complimenting each other.

The sun has already been up since last two hours which has been covered with the clouds and has greeted everyone in the village with a curtain in front of him but it has made the climate of the village so refreshing as everyone is enjoying it but till now there is no sign for the couple who had been sleeping in the mansion to wake up as both of them has been tired due to yesterday's night proceedings, but after sometime the one sleeping on the chest of the young heir is seen to shift a little as his moment increased after sometime and it was soon the younger opened his eyes he raised his head to be only greeted by the sleeping face of his husband adorn with a slight smile.

The sun has already been up since last two hours which has been covered with the clouds and has greeted everyone in the village with a curtain in front of him but it has made the climate of the village so refreshing as everyone is enjoying it but ...

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Yibo when saw the peaceful face of his husband smiled as he adjusted himself a little bit as heraised his hand to caress the face of the said man and as soon as he kept the hand on the face of the young heir the man just snuggled on to it as he spoke, "w... Warm!" Making Yibo smile and with this caressed his face for a few minutes and then removed Zhan's hands wrapped around him carefully, as he started moving away from the warm body of his husband, and was about to leave the confines of his husband, to prepare for their breakfast but as soon as the boy was about to get up from his place, the arms around him tightened making him loose his balance as he landed on the man's chest making him to groan in pain, and he was about to scold his old man for this but before he could speak his husband voice is heard making him stop in his steps.

Zhan who has been sleeping peacefully while holding his husband when felt a moment on his chest felt a fear of someone leaving him so he in his sleep tightened his hold on the leaving figure as he spoke, "d... Don't leave m... Me!"

Yibo who was about to scold the young heir for his childishness, when heard the young heir got shocked as he immediately looked up to check whether he has woken up the man and is his husband still drunk, and as soon as he looked up he found his husband sleeping peacefully making him smile as he started waiting for the man to loosen his hold on him but instead of loosening it just tightened making Yibo to frown cutely as he realized that this old man of his will not leave him so he moved toward the young heir's ear as he spoke, "Mr. Sean leave me!" And Zhan who has been in his sleep when heard him whined, "No!" Making Yibo to become startle by his husband behavior but soon he realized that Zhan will not leave him like this so he in a sweet voice spoke, "hubby, my good ZhanZhan, won't you leave your bobo?" And Zhan who has been sleeping while hugging Yibo tightly when heard Yibo's first words smiled in his sleep as he started loosening his hold on him but as soon as he heard the ending words he immediately tightened his hold on his husband as he whines, "Nooo!"

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