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The clock is striking at 4:00 pm and in the CEO's office on the 80th floor of the largest corporation in China is sitting the man of power and elegance as the reports of the past two days are being read to him by his PA who is in sweats as he has ...

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The clock is striking at 4:00 pm and in the CEO's office on the 80th floor of the largest corporation in China is sitting the man of power and elegance as the reports of the past two days are being read to him by his PA who is in sweats as he has seen the anger of his boss from past three days and he is not sure when a single mistake of his can end his job.

The man is seen sitting on his chair while tapping on the table and his gaze is at the Secretary as his Secretary is standing in front of him and reading the reports to him,


"Sir, there has been an increase in the total sales of the product and the new product has seen a 20% increment as compared with the last month!"

"What was the increment last month?" Asked Xiao Zhan as he take the file which has been kept on the table.

"Sir, it was 5%!" Replied the PA.

"Good work!" Spoke Zhan as he starts analyzing the sales graph and after completing the analysis of the graphs spoke, "good, continue!"

Ning hearing this spoke, "sir, the deal related to the new land for the construction of a new branch in Hong Kong, it's been approved and the architect is ready with his design!"

"Ask him to meet me tomorrow at 11:00 am!" Spoke Zhan.

"Yes sir!" Replied the PA.

"Anything else!"

"No sir!" Spoke Ning as he takes the files to leave the office when suddenly Zhan calls for him, "Ning!"

" yes sir!"

"The next meeting will be in half an hour so make the meeting room ready!" Spoke Zhan without raising his head and then continued, "also ask Kuan to meet me!"

"Yes sir!" Came an immediate reply from the secretary as he left the CEO's office to only leave Zhan with the files as the latter busied himself with his work.

"Yes sir!" Came an immediate reply from the secretary as he left the CEO's office to only leave Zhan with the files as the latter busied himself with his work

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