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  Seven years, seven years, are they still in touch?

  Look, when you talk to him, you put your guns in your arms, and when you talk to Song Lian, oh, the corners of your mouth are going to fly into the sky.

  Why is Song Lian so lingering?

  "This time, thank you for your hard work."

  "Ok, I know."

  "He's fine, come to the company the day after tomorrow."

  Xu Yi didn't shy away from him when he was on the phone, Duan Yan moved his position closer to Xu Yi inch by inch, and slowly put his ear close to him.

  "Well, see you the day after tomorrow." Xu Yi finally hung up the phone.

  "What are you doing?" Xu Yi turned to look at him and asked.

  "Cough." Duan Yan coughed awkwardly, sat up straight, and said, "What are you talking about?"

  "Didn't you hear what we were talking about?" Xu Yi put his phone on the coffee table and replied casually.

  "You guys have a good relationship, and you still have an appointment to meet. Hey, Xu Yi, you're pregnant, so it's inappropriate to meet other Alphas?" Duan Yan said sourly.

  "He is the company's PR manager, is there a problem?" Xu Yi asked back.

  What? Song Lian is still working in his company? Why?

  "Who hired it?" Duan Yan asked in disbelief.

  "Me." Xu Yi continued in a calm voice, "His work ability has always been very good."

  Heh, praise him again, yes, yes, Song Lian is good at everything.

  "I don't like him." Duan Yan raised his chin and muttered.

  "He doesn't need your likes." Xu Yi looked at him and replied seriously.

  "Then he needs your likes? You two didn't know each other when you were in school, and he sent you home. Now you have hired him in the company again. What do you mean?" Duan Yan is like Tell your dissatisfaction like pouring beans.

  Who knows what the hell Song Lian was up to? Shouldn't he be thinking about both his wife and his family property?

  "You insisted on signing Jiang Tiantian, didn't I say nothing?" The corners of Xu Yi's mouth rose slightly, and he turned his head to meet his gaze.

  "For a person with vain appearance and no strength, why do you spend so much resources on her? What are you trying to do to others?"

  Omega's laziness leaning on the sofa looks very peaceful, but Duan Yan clearly knows that he is angry.

  "I... I don't remember."

  Xu Yi snorted coldly, and his chest heaved slightly, as if he had expected him to say that.

  In the weird and stiff atmosphere, someone will always do something to break it.

  Xu Yi leaned over and began to tidy up the magazines on the coffee table, each one was full of Duan Yan's gossip, the more Xu Yi sorted it out, the angrier he became, and he slapped the magazine hard, causing Duan Yan to tremble in fright.

  "Is that woman Jiang Tiantian that night? She is, she has no pheromones on her body, and I can only smell the tacky rose perfume." Xu Yi's cheeks flushed, and his voice became sharp.

  He seemed to hold back for a long time, had a long thought struggle with himself, and finally asked this question.

  In fact, judging by her figure, she doesn't look like Jiang Tiantian, but Xu Yi really doesn't want to admit that there are other people besides Bai Yueguang in Duan Yan.

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