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 The traffic in city A is always congested, and the long winding dragon coils on the road, with no end in sight.

  Duan Yan rubbed his lips while watching the pushed news in the car, it really hurt a little.

  He was also to blame, for insisting on kissing Xu Yi twice before going out. As a result, the sleeping Omega was woken up, and he opened his mouth to bite him, without any effort, he was bleeding, and the little pepper let go.

  Duan Yan said with a tusk: "The teeth are really good."

  It was a little late when I arrived at the company today. Secretary Zhou followed him and reported the whole day's schedule.

  Duan Yanrang made time for the afternoon, he said he had some personal matters.

  Secretary Zhou didn't ask any more questions, and postponed two meetings for him, saving the afternoon.

  "One more thing about Miss Jiang." Secretary Zhou said seriously.

  "I saw it when I came here. It was revealed that I was in a relationship. As for it? Is it a problem that she has never been in a relationship at her age? She is not an idol." Duan Yan analyzed.

  "Uh, Mr. Duan, you may not have eaten all the melons. Miss Jiang's reputation is very bad now. The man has been hammering her, and the crew has long been dissatisfied with her. Using this matter, they are now asking for a replacement." Secretary Zhou reported sternly.

  "I don't think Song Lian wrote a good PR article today? It also changed the direction of public opinion." Duan Yan said.

  "But the man is unwilling to reconcile, and he still has a lot of black material and chat records..."

  Duan Yan turned on the computer, and the trending searches about Jiang Tiantian kept going up, and it couldn't be suppressed at all, and even linked her to an entry about a scumbag.

  Secretary Zhou explained that if it was just a simple relationship, it would be fine, and the influence of being exposed would not be so great.

  But Jiang Tiantian's matter was very difficult. The man said that it was the art school that Jiang Tiantian studied for. When Jiang Tiantian first came out, she couldn't get a filming, and he had been supporting her all the time. The relationship between the two was very good at that time.

  Later, in order to become famous, Jiang Tiantian took a large-scale magazine cover photo, and because of this, she hooked up with a financial backer, who has been supporting her behind her.

  At that time, Jiang Tiantian was already pregnant with their child, but she resolutely decided to abort the child in order to become the benefactor.

  The man said that he had been kept in the dark about these things before, and the two were about to get married, but Jiang Tiantian suddenly turned his face and ruthless, transferred him a sum of money and asked to end the relationship. Only then did he know that he had been tricked for so many years.

  Duan Yan squeezed the center of his brows with a headache, he always felt that the benefactor in the article seemed to be referring to himself...

  "What did Jiang Tiantian say?" Duan Yan asked.

  "Currently, I can't get in touch... Her manager didn't answer the phone either." Secretary Zhou said helplessly.

  "The crew asked for a replacement, so let's do it. Try to find her in the shortest possible time."


  Even though Duan Yan didn't believe the man's one-sided words, Jiang Tiantian never came out to explain the truth of the matter, and the company couldn't keep her even if they wanted to.

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