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  Xiao Duan also started to write a diary recently, he wrote down any important or interesting things that happened, and put them in Lao Duan's safe. He guessed that Lao Duan would want to know what happened recently.

  A few days later, other inspections were also carried out, confirming that Duan Yan was in good health.

  Xiao Duan collected all the checklists, and wrote another sentence to Lao Duan: So if you have money, won't you go to two more hospitals to check it?

  Really, a false alarm.

  Xiao Duan has often felt physically tired recently. He sleeps longer and longer. He usually gets up at five or six o'clock for a run, and now he can sleep until he wakes up with the little swans.

  A few days ago, he promised Little Swan to go shopping with him, so Xiao Duan specially asked Secretary Zhou to arrange a free day for him today.

  It can be seen that Xu Yi is in a particularly good mood today. When he changed his clothes in the morning, he was still humming, and his little head was still following the rhythm bit by bit.

  Duan Yan dawdled on the bed for a while, got up and took a cold shower, when he came out Xu Yi had packed up and was sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

  Alpha's lower body was wrapped with a bath towel, and the water droplets that hadn't been wiped slowly slid down her solid chest, passed by the well-defined abdominal muscles, and disappeared in the white bath towel. Xu Yi knew that there was something more sexy and majestic underneath.

  "What are you looking at?" Duan Yan suddenly leaned forward, licked Omega's earlobe, put his arms on the armrest of the sofa, and wrapped Xu Yi in his arms.

  Alpha's aggression made Xu Yi tremble. This was the Alpha who had been obsessed with him all night and repeatedly marked him. His silent approach would always make Omega feel dependent and oppressive. He surrendered to his Alpha, He... loves him.

  However, even though Xu Yi's face was blushing, he would still speak aggressively. He turned his head away and said, "What am I looking at? I was in a daze just now."

  No, he looked at his alpha.

  "Oh~" Duan Yan dragged out the ending sound, and the tone was quite playful.

  "Guess what I was watching in the bathroom just now?" Duan Yan asked with a smile.

  "What?" He was really curious.

  "The photo you sent me last time." Seeing Xu Yi's face getting redder and redder, Duan Yan wanted to tease him even more.

  "I finally know why I didn't go shopping with you before." Duan Yan murmured while kissing his side cheek.

  Xu Yi looked sideways at him, as if waiting for his answer.

  "Because of the time I finally spared, how could I be willing to let you out of this room?"

  Xu Yi took a closer look before he realized what he meant. He stretched out his hand and pushed a paragraph, but the man was so big that he insisted on not pushing.

  "Hurry up and get dressed!" Xu Yi looked at the ground and spoke without any momentum.

  "Put it on, let me kiss you, and I'll put it on right away." Duan Yan said with a playful smile.

  "you really are......"

  Before he finished speaking, Duan Yan found his lips and kissed him.

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