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the next few days was awkward for scarlett and minerva could tell. she noticed the way scarlett glanced away when their eyes met, and the way her cheeks flushed when their eyes met for too long.

"hey, i was wondering if you wanted to grab some dinner tonight?" minerva asked while plopping on the couch besides where scarlett was laid out.

"you want to go out to a restaurant for dinner?" scarlett asked suspiciously. minerva hated being out in public so it was surprising she wanted to go out to get dinner.

"no, but you haven't been dragging me around at all lately." she rested her head on scarlett's stomach. her cheeks went red at the way minerva looked up at her.

"figured i should give you a break." she said after a few seconds of silence. her hand reached down and softly stroked minerva's hair.

"well, we are due for some time out." her thumbs softly rubbed scarletts hips.

"minerva." she groaned softly at the feeling of her hands around her hips. it made her want to squirm.

"what?" she asked curiously, her hands tightening on her hips.

"you've got to stop looking at me with those fucking eyes." scarlett's hips rolled into her hold. minerva scooted up onto scarlett's chest, their faces only inches apart.

"what, do i make you nervous?" her voice was low, soft.

"oh my god." she groaned, face reddening when minerva chuckled.

"i didn't know i had this much of an effect on you." her hands cupped scarlett's cheeks.

"you don't." she snapped back.

"you sure?" minerva teased, moving their faces closer. she laughed when scarlett's hips rolled into hers. just to prove her point she lifted off of scarlett and sat on the opposite end of the couch.

"what the hell?" scarlett whined, sitting up from where she was laid down.

"cmon, let's get ready for dinner." minerva stood from the couch and began walking to her room. she heard scarlett's hurried footfalls behind her and smirked when she stood in front of her.

"you are such an ass." scarlett grumbled, her arms crossed.

"i'm sorry." minerva laughed genuinely at how fast scarlett got to her.

"that wasn't funny." scarlett continued her lecture, growing more frustrated at minerva's smirk.

"you're so cute when you're angry." minerva cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"better?" she asked, feeling how scarlett melted into her touch.

"no, but it'll suffice." her arms uncrossed and fell to her side.

"go get ready." minerva tilted her chin towards scarlett's room. she smiled when scarlett lifted onto her tippy toes and pressed their lips together for a quick kiss before rushing to her room to get ready.
dinner was peaceful. they talked about endless things like they usually did and not once did it feel awkward like it's been the past couple of days.

"so... what does this whole thing mean for us?" scarlett asked as they walked back to the car, minerva's thumb comfortingly rubbing the back of her hand.

"i don't know... i'd like for it to mean something but, it doesn't have to if you don't want it to." minerva opened the passenger door for her before walking to the drivers side.

"i want it to mean something." scarlett said softly. minerva was quiet for awhile, just thinking when scarlett's hand grabbed hers.

"maybe we should just take it slow."she suggested after noticing how quiet minerva got. she wasn't sure if it were good quiet or bad quiet, but she felt the need to fill the silence.

"okay." minerva hummed. it was quiet for awhile longer before scarlett spoke again.

"what's going on in there?" she asked, her eyes taking in all of minerva's features.

"i'm thinking about how this finally happened." she said, her hand tightening around scarlett's.

"so, you've liked me for awhile?" she asked, to which minerva nodded.

"for as long as i can remember." scarlett smiled warmly.

"why didn't you say anything?"

"why would i? i wasn't even sure on your sexuality until a couple months ago... it felt weird for me to say anything." scarlett's free hand softly rubbed the back of minerva's. and that was the last thing they said during the ride.

minerva enjoyed feeling scarlett's soft touch against her hands and arms, it was a calming sensation she never thought she'd feel.

"cmon." minerva said softly after wiggling her hand free from scarlett's. the whole ride her fingers gently traced the veins along her hands.

"you're hands are really pretty." scarlett said after stepping out of the car.

"thank you." minerva cooed, unlocking the door to the house and let scarlett walk in first. scarlett began walking to her room as minerva did the same.

"wait." scarlett sighed, walking towards minerva and stopped when the tip of her shoes hit minerva's.

"hey." minerva laughed softly, resting her hand on scarlett's hip.

"hi." scarlett said, her hands rubbing up minerva's sides.

"i, uhm... i guess i just wanted to say goodnight." minerva smiled.

"goodnight scar." she cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her lips. when she pulled away scarlett's cheeks were warm, and her lips were tugged into a smile.

"thanks... okay, goodnight." scarlett rubbed minerva's chest before rushing off to her room.

"she's so cute." she mumbled to herself before pushing open her bedroom door.

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