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today they were both off. usually they'd go on a date but today neither of them wanted to move from bed. the only time they got up is when scarlett climbed into minerva's bed at 9:30 and then they ordered chickfila for breakfast so minerva had to get it from the door.

"hey?" scarlett asked while looking up at minerva.

"yeah?" she replied, rubbing scarlett's back. the brunette laid atop her like she usually did, her hand between the blonds chest and her chin.

"what are we?" she asked softly, sorta afraid to know what minerva thought of what they had. some things are better left unknown.

"whatever you want us to be." her nails drug against the skin of scarlett's back. she watched the way the dark haired girl pondered something in her head.

"what's going on in there." she asked.

"i hate that answer." scarlett muttered.

"i'll be your best friend, or your girlfriend... or just the girl you go to for a hook up... i just want you to be in my life... if you aren't ready for a relationship, that's fine, i'll wait until you're ready... we'll move at your pace, because i'm ready for everything with you." scarlett's lips tugged up into a smile, scooting closer to minerva's face.

"you should've led with that.. now i feel like an ass." scarlett laughed softly.

"it's okay... you just tell me what you want us to be." minerva's hands moved up her back and softly brushed through scarlett's hair.

"i want to be your girlfriend." the brunette responded softly, unable to hide the smile that kept coming back to her lips.

"i'd like that." minerva smiled back at her. scarlett's smile widened before she pressed their lips together.

"i've got a date planned for us, next week... i was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend then but, we could still go." minerva said while rubbing her fingers against scarlett's rosy cheeks.

"what are we doing? do i have an outfit that would look okay?" she asked while sitting up from minerva's chest.

"a skirt or a dress is fine.. and it's a surprise." scarlett eyebrows furrowed.

"how will i know what to wear if i don't know what we're doing?"

"i'll help you pick out an outfit... okay?"

"can we do it now?" a little smirk tugged scarlett's lips.

"sure." minerva chuckled, sitting up from bed and followed behind scarlett. she sat on the end of scarlett's bed while the brunette looked through her closet.

"is this okay?" she asked, pulling out a pink and white gingham dress.

"that's perfect." scarlett squinted her eyes before turning back to the closet.

"don't pull the you look good in anything girlfriend card... i need to know i'm not overdressed or undressed." minerva laughed.

"i'm not pulling the girlfriend card... i'm wearing a button up and khaki shorts, that dress is good... i can even go find a pink button up to match you." scarlett just tossed the dress to minerva and kept looking. she tossed her a light jean looking dress with white flowers on it. the last dress was a pink dress with with sheer sleeves.

"you don't have to look for anything else." minerva said while standing from the bed, wrapping her arms around scarlett's hip and carried her to the bed.

"are you sure?" she asked softly, wiggling against minerva's hold.

"positive... any of those are fine... if you don't like it we can go shopping together." scarlett smiled widely.

"we can go shopping?" minerva nodded.

"yes, i have to find a top so it's only fair you come along."
they decided to get up and go shopping. personally minerva loved all of the dresses scarlett had but she insisted on having to find something to directly match minerva.

"look." scarlett said, bringing minerva a button up with brown, red and orange ditsy flowers.

"i have a skirt that's this same print." minerva smiled.

"that's cute.. you have a shirt to match?" she nodded.

"mhm, i got it for a 70's party in high school." they checked out and continued strolling the mall, just in case there was something else that caught their eye.

"so, your birthday is coming up in like a month." scarlett said as they walked to the car, softly swaying their hands.

"yes it is." minerva said back, glancing over at her.

"do you think you'd like for me to do a boudoir shoot as a present?" the small smile on minerva's face answered her question before the words even left her mouth.

"i'd like that, but only if you are completely comfortable doing it." she pulled open the car door for scarlett and sat their bags on the floor in front of her.

"i dunno... i saw a photographer on tiktok in our area that does it and it was just an idea... i'm not sure how comfortable i'd be with someone else doing them."

"i could take them." minerva said with a little grin. she began driving back to the house.

"yeah, that's an idea... i could get a few outfits and you can take the pictures, i have a polaroid too." they both fell quiet after awhile. she wasn't sure what she wanted to do for minerva's birthday, but she wanted it to be special.

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