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after their little photo shoot they ate about a quarter of the cake before getting comfortable in bed. scarlett's hand comfortingly rubbed minerva's body.. her back, her sides, through her hair. it was impossible for minerva to not fall asleep.

once she did fall asleep scarlett just admired her. softly rubbing her thumb against her reddening cheeks. she couldn't help but wonder what happened in her past, if anything happened. she wanted to know every little detail of her life. yes they'd been friends for years, but she wanted to know more.

"scar." minerva said sleepily.

"yeah?" she cooed, raking her hands through minerva's blond hair.

"turn you brain off, let's go to sleep." she pulled scarlett's body until their heads were pressed together, then turning on her side so she held onto scarlett.

"i was just admiring you... it hasn't even been that long." minerva glanced to the clock.

"it's been an hour, scar." she said sleepily, slipping her hands up scarlett's shirt and rubbed her belly softly.

"oh, i didn't notice." she pushed her head back into minerva's chest, her hands laying atop her lovers.

"goodnight baby." minerva cooed, pressing a kiss to the back of scarlett's head.

"goodnight." scarlett said back.
the next few days were just work and sleep... that's how most of their weekdays went, their weekends were the best days ever. this saturday scarlett planned a clear kayaking date. it was something she's been wanting to do to get over her fear of deep water, she thought it would be like exposer therapy.

she wore her floral halter top bikini and the sheer cover up shorts. minerva wore her swim set, one scarlett recently got her that is the same coral as one of the flowers on her swimsuit.

"did you put on sunscreen?" scarlett asked while walking into the room.

"i'll put some one when we get there." scarlett scoffed.

"it literally takes two seconds... and what's the point of putting it on if you're already in the sun." she squeezed the sunscreen in her hands and began applying it to minerva's face.

"you look so pretty mama." minerva cooed, rubbing her hands around the exposed area of scarlett's hips. her hair was pulled into bubble braids over her shoulders.

"thank you." scarlett cooed, squirting more sunscreen in her hands and rubbed it down minerva's shoulders.

"you know what we haven't down in awhile?" minerva asked, but scarlett knew just from the position they were in.

"you aren't wrong." scarlett said softly. minerva laid her head against scarlett's stomach.

"you know you can always tell me no." she said softly into her skin.

"i know... but i love the way you make my body feel... i've never felt the way you make me feel." she smiled up at the brunette, who blushed and looked away.

"we have to go minerva don't look at me like that." she laughed while turning away from her girlfriend.

"you know, you say that so often and i don't feel that i have a different look in my eyes." scarlett scoffed while dropping her sunscreen in her beach bag.

"you definitely do... i caught it in one of the pictures." she looked at the desk where they'd left the pictures and found the picture she was talking about.

"i literally look the same as i do in this one." she said while pointing to a picture on the desk.

"your eyes are poutier, and squinty." minerva looked at scarlet for a second then set the pictures back down.

"whatever you say." she teased, following scarlett out to the car.
it took a few minutes to get out in the water but once they did scarlett didn't look down a single time.

"baby there's not even anything below us." minerva laughed softly, pattling further out.

"i know." she shrieked softly. minerva stopped rowing and reached for scarlett's hands.

"don't move me." she gasped, gripping onto minerva's arm. the blond scooted closer to scarlett and covered where she'd be able to see in the water.

"you're fine baby." she cooed, comfortingly rubbing scarlett's thigh.

"if i wasn't so scared i'd say sex out her would be fun... but i can't even think about that." she laughed at herself. she thought she'd be able to do this easily. after all she wasn't afraid of water, she is afraid of what's in it... and there was nothing she could see... so far.

"there's a school of fish below us." minerva said while looking at the small amount of water she could see between her own legs.

"how big?" she asked, her hold on minerva's arm loosening.

"like, sardines size." she moved her legs as she noticed scarlett trying to look.

"oh! they are cute." she smiled, leaning down a little closer.

"see, you're okay." minerva said while scooting back. they stayed out for about half an hour and decided to row back to shore, they only had an hour rented out.

"do you want to stay for awhile? or are you hungry?" minerva asked while slinging their beach bag over her shoulder.

"i am hungry, there's a burger place we can get that's down the beach." she looked up at minerva and smiled.

"sounds good." they walked to the placed and ordered, realizing it was completely packed and decided to take it to go and eat it on the beach.

"that actually wasn't so bad." scarlett admitted before taking a bite from her burger.

"i knew you'd do good." minerva cooed, laying her head against scarlett's shoulder.

"thank you for being so calm and encouraging... i would have freaked out the second i was on water if it weren't for you." minerva smiled.

"of course." she cooed, resting her free hand on scarlett's thigh. they ate on the beach while watching the waves splash on shore a few feet away from them.

"you look sleepy." minerva said while walking back towards her from throwing their trash away.

"i am... the sun and water are very tiring." she took her outstretched hand and let minerva pull her up from the floor.

"ready to get home?" minerva asked, her hands gently rubbing scarlett's hip. the ride home was peaceful, the sun was beginning to set which was scarlett's favorite. though she only got to see the start of the sunset, she fell asleep five minutes later.

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