twenry one

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minerva pulled scarlett off of the floor and sat her on the bed. she pressed their lips together for a needy make out before minerva pulled away.

scarlett didn't move as minerva slowly pulled off her shirt. scarlett only watched her carefully.

"are you sure?" scarlett asked, her soft voice pulling minerva from the small mental battle she was having.

"yeah." she said softly. minerva watched as scarlett reached for her waist band. instinctively minerva grabbed her hand, immediately rolling her eyes at herself.

"i'm sorry." she said softly. scarlett just smiled warmly.

"it's okay baby, just remember your colors okay?" minerva nodded and lifted her hips so scarlett could tug down her underwear. she looked away as scarlett admired her body, her hands gently holding her hips.

"i'm gonna go nice and slow, okay? just tell me if you want me to stop, or slow down." minerva nodded. the pleasure was slow at first, just scarlett gently rubbing circles against her clit. but it picked up as she dipped her head down, replacing her fingers with her tongue.

"scar." she panted, gripping onto her hair. the feeling of vulnerability slipped away with each gentle lick and every thrust of scarlett's fingers. she unraveled like she never has before. it felt so foreign to feel this way, but god she loved it.

scarlett's touch was so gentle but so addictive. she'd pulled away every few minutes just to admire minerva, a small smirk pulling at her lips before she dove back in for more.

"oh my god." she groaned, her back arching off the bed as scarlett pinned her hips down.

"still green?" scarlett asked patiently, stopping all movements until she got an answer. but by the way minerva's cheeks blushed, and how heavy her breathing was, she knew the answer.

"yes, please keep going." minerva said while tilting her head into the pillows. she felt scarlett's hands run up her hips and to her ribs as the pleasure returned. scarlett's fingers teased at minerva's nipples, gently pinching and tugging as her tongue moved faster.

"kiss me." minerva's voice had gotten breathless at this point, her hands grabbing scarlett's and pulled her up to her lips.

"you're so cute." scarlett smiled before connecting their lips. minerva loved the taste of herself on scarlett's lips. her hands ran down the others body and slipped back into her, smiling into the kiss when she felt the blond gasp.

"you're doing so good." she whispered against minerva's lips. the small whine she let out made scarlett kiss down to her neck.

"you like the way i touch you... don't you?" she asked while nipping the skin below her collarbone.

"yes, scar... fuck you're so good." she panted heavily as she reached for scarlett's free hand. she just intertwined their fingers as scarlett's other hand stayed busy.

"you seem close." scarlett teased, rubbing her thumb against minerva's clit as her fingers scissored inside of her.

"i am." she replied, her voice cracking. scarlett smiled and kissed down her body until she met her vulva, replacing her thumb with her tongue. she felt when minerva's thighs tensed beneath her hand. she looked up to see her back arching and felt her thighs shaking.

"fuck i'm cumming." she moaned softly, too overcome by pleasure to feel embarrassed. scarlett's fingers and tongue worked her all the way through her orgasm, only slowing once minerva's back returned to the bed.

"cmere." minerva said while cupping scarlett's face, pulling their lips together before scarlett had a chance to say anything. the kiss was soft, slower than before. more loving than lustful like it was before.

"that was amazing." minerva cooed, sitting up and pulled scarlett into her lap.

"i'm so proud of you for letting me do that... you did so good." the blonds face blushed.

"also thank you for the amazing day... i couldn't have asked for a better birthday." minerva kissed her temple.

"there's one more thing." she said while climbing out of bed, scooping scarlett up and carried her to the bathroom. in the bathroom there was candles on the corners of the bathtub, minerva closed laptop on the counter and some red wine with two wine glasses.

"baby." scarlett pouted, accepting being sat on the counter besides the laptop.

"i'm gonna go get our towels and the wine opener, find us a movie." she said before turning on the bath and let it fill up with hot water. before she left the bathroom she sprinkled in lavender epson salt as well as some bubble bath.

scarlett picked the turning as their movies and gently unclipped the clamps, sitting them on the counter besides her. she decided to light the candles while minerva was gone. though as she was lighting the second one the blond emerged back into the bathroom. she twisted open the wine and poured them both a glass.

scarlett climbed in first, leaving space at the back of the tub so minerva could slide in behind her. minerva stepped in after playing their movie and turning off the lights.

"happy birthday my love." she said before clinking their glasses of wine.
they only got out when scarlett had fallen asleep, halfway into the movie. minerva cleaned her body carefully, trying not to wake her but ultimately decided to just hurry up and get clean so they could get out.

"nerva." scarlett said softly while hugging her towel closer to her body.

"i know mama... i'm gonna get you some pajamas so we can get to sleep." scarlett sat on the edge of the bed and waited for minerva to find them some pajamas. her pajamas consisted of an oversized sweatshirt and some shorts, while minerva's consisted of boxers and a t-shirt.

they both got dressed and scarlett waited patiently as minerva tided up the room a little bit, hanging their towels on the hook then cleaned up their little fun they had earlier.

"cmon, we're gonna sleep in your room until i can change the sheets." minerva scooped her up and smiled when she felt scarlett's heels hooking securely around her waist.

"i don't think i've had a better birthday, ever." scarlett said into minerva's neck before she got sat on the bed.

"i'm glad i could do that." she laid scarlett down and tucked her under the blankets.

"want anything to drink? or something to eat?"
scarlett nodded.

"some of that pink lemonade would be nice." minerva pressed their lips together softly before walking out of the room. she pulled the blankets up to her chin and got comfortable while waiting for minerva to return. her eyes closed softly and she felt like she was drifting back off until she heard glasses softly being placed on the nightstand. she peaked open her eyes and smiled, minerva had also gotten her a piece of cake.

"i didn't mean to wake you." she whispered while crawling into bed behind scarlett.

"it's okay." she whispered back, sitting up and drunk a few gulps of lemonade before getting a bite of cake. eventually she laid down on minerva's chest and let her eyes fall closed again, this time she was out for the night.

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