I Drown In My Father's Disapointment

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At ten I stood in the wave pool at the water park. The water is like a turquoise glass and even the tiles on the bottom seem to be liquid. We are with my father and his friend's family. A boy barely older than me tries to jump the waves with his father. He is stronger than I and twice as large. My father is absent to get a beer. The boy tries to jump are particularly large waves as I cling to the side wall. I am helpless as he falls and tears his leg open on the rough concrete. I am even more helpless as the water pulls him towards the deep end and sends him back and forth. I reach for him, I am not fast or strong enough to save him. They turn off the water. They drag him out. I watch as they try their best. He dies on the pavement. His father cries, mine thinks of killing me.

I begin to carry a first aid kit, as useless in that situation as I am to my father, it becomes a close friend.

The disappointments I make to my father do not end there. They grow as i age and at nineteen they reach their peak in hell. My father has found out I am gay and kissed a boy.

"The disappointment never ends, does it? I have taken care of you despite the fact tha you are made of faults and now you say you will not even repay me by marriage? If you do not wish to participate in my legacy than you will also not participate in the life and inheritance I would've provided! You're out! If you wish to participate in the family as you were born to do, then you may return at the next family reunion with your female fiance from a status putting family. Until this moment I have done everything I could and given you every resource. It is time to repay your debts in the only way you may be capable of." He blows out to me and gives me the stare that he gave my mother on their wedding day.

If I cannot outrun anyone else, I outrun my mother on her wedding day. I am now homeless, with nothing but my phone and the clothes on my back.

I begin to walk, out the door, off the street, adn into the park, where I cry and sleep on the bench. Several hours later I am awoken by a familiar face, shining like the sun.

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