At Least We Have His Dad

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Weeks had passed, Achilles had not spoken or seen Thetis since the incient, and he was finally starting to heal, though he barely left my side(he says it's because the last time he did I got robbed, we both know better). I was okay with this, I started to get him back into his old activities, though they now were ours to share. Now we did skincare and gym sessions and horseback riding together. He had also picked up some of my old ones, he was also into baking and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We made many happy moments but my favorites were ones when he sang and played his guitar while sculpting him. Soon, our fireplace was adorned with many sculptures of him and I doing various activities.

We had also begun to visit his father in his mansion on the weekends. A less fortunate man would be in the nursing home by now, but with the butlers, and maids, and prostitues he was not living alone.Often when we came he would sit on is big velvet chair by the fire and tell us stories of all kinds, some about his youth, about political pursuits, and some about past lovers and the family.

I paid more attention than Achilles, who had heard the stories and advice many a time, but I welcomed the fatherly wisdom with open arms. The one thing Achilles did pay great attention to was about his father political rise, as he too was soon planning on running for office.

Sometimes I wished Achilles' father had been an actor, that would have been helpful with Achilles' upcoming drag show known as my family reunion. The dreaded event was in three weeks, those of which me and Achilles would spend rehearsing a story line, gathering his outfit, perfecting both of our makeup skills on him, and laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Thankfully he was built like a swimmer and not overly buffed out.

A benefit of spending time with Achilles' father was that he had begun to grow fond of me, and enjoyed the extra Fatherly attention. Upon hearing my story on the fourth visit he arranged for one of my larger sculptures to be put up at the local art gallery.

Author's note
Sorry for the wait and short chapter! Should I include photos of Achilles' outfit and makeup? I promise they will be better than when you have to go to the ball with one direction who you were sold to.

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