I Am Achilles Dog

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the city setting up his campaign, making websites, going to interviews, and taking pictures, so many pictures. Achilles does great, he knows what to do, what to say, how to look, where to look, and then there is me. I spend my time blindly stumbling after Achilles, who holds me to his side and smiles brighter. He keeps me so close they are forced to arrange place settings so I sit next to him. It annoys those around us, and they say the public suspicions could threaten his chances, but he shrugs and calls them crazy.

We have also been made known his competitors. Paris, and his assistant, Hector. Paris looks like if Draco Malfoy and President Snow had a baby. Hector looks softer, but unsettles me none the less. We are warned by many that they do not go easy on competition stomping them out, and they know things that no one should. I await the day they mention my father.


Achilles mother calls Achilles. She wants to talk to him, and it needs to happen in person. And Achilles, with an amount of strength I do not have, agrees, though on two conditions, I am going with him, and we are meeting at a diner.

She grudgingly concedes. And the date is set.

Four hours later, Achilles sets another date.

_______________Author's note_____________

Sorry this is so short, but I'm leading up to more interesting stuff I swear.

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