Alchahol turns Achilles into a Koala

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A month into this endeavor, Achilles comes home drunk. Drunk Achilles is very different compared to the cool, calm, collected Achilles I usually see. This Achilles was throwing himself all over me and the couch, repeated holding me like a koala, he had already abandoned his shirt too. I tried to ignore the sparks I felt when he slung his arm around me. Drunk Achilles also had many opinions and confessions to be shared. For example, he was veyr scared to disappoint his mother, And which models he found attractive, then I made the most embarrassing ask,

"Do you find me attractive?".

After a moment of though he replied, "Yes. You've got a wide jaw, and shoulders,and this," he touched my adam's apple, "and this, and this, and this."he said with his hand trailing lower.

"You can stop", and he stopped, only to cling to me and bury his face in my neck. "Lets get you to bed, buddy".


I picked him up and placed him on his bed and began to walk away.

"Stop! Lay with me?", he asks pleadingly.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course"

I laid next to him, and he turned me over to face him again, and begins telling me stories of his childhood, from his best memories, to his absolute worst, and so when he turns to me and asks about my life, i spill it, from my mother,to my father, to the little boy that drowned because of my weakness, I tell him, and by the time I am done there are tears streaming down my face and my voice is cracked, so I look down, not willing to face him any longer.

He cradles my face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away my tear and with a slight smile he pulls me closer, and closer until our noses and foreheads touch, then he lifts my chin to his and kisses me. Its starts very gentle, but our still present grief pours into the kiss, making us cling to each other, and when we come up for air it feels as if a weight was lifted, like we were infants ready to rediscover the world, and when he pulls me to his chest it feels like a prayer that it would forever remain this way. Loing, kind, and new.

A shorter chapter, but they are so cute!

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