I Am 5 Years Old Again, In Giddiness And Pain

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"I think I’m going to run for mayor,” Achilles announces to me one morning.

“ Okay hun,” I say enjoying how the word  “hun” fits in my  mouth and makes him blush.

“Thanks for supporting me, Darlin,” he says, with the fakest southern accent he  could muster.

“How are you gonna get the votes?”

“ I guess I start with my dad, we”re going to dinner with a few of his friends this weekend.”

“Does that mean I have to wear the dress this time?”, I ask with fake annoyance.

“No, unless you really want to. But you are coming, no objections. I need you by my side. We’re not being separated again,” he says with an aura of power.


The party had been going well. His father did not publicly denounce him. We met many of Achilles fellow party members, those who would be with Achilles throughout his political lifetime. There was Odysseus, who was hell bent on making sure I wouldn’t get in the way of Achilles potential and who Achilles looked like he wanted to fight, especially when he suggested that people would find Achilles an easy target with me at his side. Diomedes, who if I had not heard enough about Odysseus’s wife, would have thought he was to Odysseus as me to Achilles. Higher ranking, there was Agamemnon, who was running for president in the next election and had previously served  as vice president. There was also his brother, Menelaus, who was running for vice president thai time around.

I also met Phoinix, a family friend who essentially helped raise Achilles. And Ajax, Achilles cousin who was on the board of education. He did not seem to like that Achilles was running higher than him. One familiar face I had met however, was Chiron. He was going to be helping Achilles manage his affairs throughout the election process.

Every time I met someone gave advice to Achilles. It felt more so a warning to me. “Keep your image clean and open, do not allow them to question you” was a common one, and was commonly accompanied by a glare in my direction. Another one was, “If you only live for love in the game of power, then you will never be happy” this was a lot less subtle. Every word the said brought me back to being 5, in my father’s own election party. Achilles was again shining like a honeyed sunray and I hiding behind a table. This time instead of brownies it was a spiked punch.  But I was again left feeling like a failure. Achilles attempts to brag about me felt desperate and I almost wanted to get a cab and leave. I did not think Achilles would miss me in this moment. I pretended to take a phone call.

When Achilles noticed I was alone in a corner, he excused himself.

“Are you ready to go home? I think I have had enough of their remarks. They warn me of my many enemies but I’m not sure if they are counting themselves in the mix,” he says hold my face.

I look over awkwardly, they are looking at us,” If you want to. Otherwise I will happily stay for you.”

“ We will take our leave now, Our neighbors are having some issues, they’ve seen someone lurking about for the past week and I don’t want to be robbed again,” he announces loudly to the room. Quickly shaking and and expressing gratitude on our way out.

When we get home and begin to eat dinner he goes quiet, eventually,  he spoke ,” Name one person in my work who you think is truly happy”

I considered this for a moment. But I could not think of anyone who was happy and not just insane.

‘You can’t,” he said.

“I can’t”

“I know. They never let you be famous and happy. “ He raised his brow. “I’ll tell you a secret.”
“Tell me,” I love it when he’s like this.

“I’m going to be the first.” He took my ring finger and held it to his own. “Swear it”

“Why me?”

“Because you’re the reason. Swear it.”

“I swear it,” I said lost in how his jaw clenched and how his eyes appeared to be lit aflame.

“I swear it.” He agreed.

We sat like that for a moment longer, ring finger pressed together. He grinned at me.

“I feel like I could eat the world raw.”

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