Achilles Is Hung Up With A Hangover

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When I awake, my heaad is on his chest, and his arms are around me,our legs intertwined,

and his face is angled towards mine, but while I am relaxed and content, his face shows panic, and as soon as it registers with me, he schooches away like he's going to die.

"What did we do!?" he cries.

"Nothing, you were being clingy and wouldn't let me leave, so i slept here, sorry.", I said.

"Okay, no, that's fine, um, thank you."

"Do you want tylenol, maybe some gatorade?"

"That would be great,"


When I return with tylenol an his water, I find him with his head in his hands, laughing or cyring I couldn't tell.

"I'm back," I announce.

"Thank you. Hey, did I really just spill out my whole life story to you like that last night?" he askes shyly.

" Yeah, but I think I did the same, so its fine."

"Okay, damn I got drunk!" he laughed. I like that sound.

We continued on like that for a while. Me sleeping in his bed with him, going to sleep on one side and waking up tangled up with him.His arms had a tendency of finding their way around me with his hands in my hair, his legs had a tendency of also going around me, like a giant koala.

That wasn't the only part of the arrangement that had changed, it seemed like everyday we were only growing closer, we were always together, his friends knew me as his and if i had any they'd think the same. The only thing that held him back was his mother, the woman was an ultra religious holier than thou type that took every opportunity to disapprove of me and steal him away. They went to church every sunday then she came for lunch here, I always made myself scarce for those visits.Sh made her distaste for me obvious with snide remarks and hisses accompanied with glares that could kill, bury, and damn a man. Soon she would again steal him for a week at this church retreat and says she knows a girl who's coming with a friend that Achilles might like to get with.

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