The Betrayal Of A Son

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Tw. Mentions of rape and drugging

It was two days into Achilles' church retreat when I had an issue, someone was in the apartment. At first I didn't notice, the fridge and dryer made weird noises a lot, but when i heard a loud," shit!" I knew something was up. So I got up, one of Achilles' pocket knives in hand and walked into the living room, only to see our tv gone and the living door open. So I did the only thing I could think of, shaking and shocked, I called the police, who very quickly proved to not care. So I then did the smart thing, I called Achilles, who was at first very relieved to hear from me, but that quickly changed to urgency as i told him the story, now crying as i retold it. After the shock had worn off, I realized that I would've died if I had made any other movement when they were in the house.

Achilles promised he would be home as soon as he could be, and to lock the door. It was a four hour drive, so I settled myself in front of the lank wall where the tv used to be, wielding a steak knife, an even larger knife, and a frying pan. Then I proceeded to watch the clock, tyring to await his return patiently, but when what was so supposed to be four hours turned into 6, and the sun was up, I bga to get anxious. And when the 6 hours turned into 8 I called again, only to be ignored. I began to panic. And when he finally got home 3 days later, I had contacted the police, several times, his father once, and had begun to cry blood, he came home. He looked ill, and beaten, and ashamed, he couldn't look me in the eye.

Upon entering and shutting the door, he fell to his knees and sobbed, in return i crouched with him and held him in my arms until he could make a noise better than a croak, then i asked him what happened.

" I told my mom I was going back to you, she laughed. I told her that something had happened, she said you were lying. but when I went to leave, she left and came back with tea, told me to drink it all so I could stay awake on the way home, she drugged me. Next time I was conscious, there as a naked girl next to me, Deidamia, the one my mother was trying to set me up with. I tried to scream, btu she said that if I did she would tell them I assaulted her. I didn't want to do Patroclus. I wasn't even conscious of it. I am a fool, I should've known my mother wouldn't have changed her mind that quick. I shouldve-"

"No. Stop. It was not your fault, it will never be your fault, if you'd like we can file something against her for you. Although the police haven't been that great about it lately, come here." I said softly.

'I'm so sorry"

"There is nothing for you to be sorry about"

" My mother knew," he started up again, " she gave me the tea, Deidamia thanked her, she congratulated me as if I had a choice as if she didn't set it up, she even handed Deidamia money as i left, I saw it."

" Oh god" I stammered, "lets get you something to eat, now".

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