An Old Aquaintence Is Apparently A Drag Queen

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Maybe it was fate, maybe it was one of the weirdest coincidences of my life, but sitting in front of me was the same boy that showed up to that meeting with his father in the olive suit all those years ago, the same boy that comes with his father to dinners and makes the worlds awkwardest eye contact in existence with me. This is the boy that when he leaves my father reminds me of how much better he is then me, and he was sitting in front of me with the same golden hair he's always had. It was Achilles.

He had grown since I all those years ago. Now standing at around 6'3 and bulked up with muscles like that of an olympic swimmer, tanned and gorgeous, with eyes that could sink ships and drown sailors with a look. I was still not as blessed, and while no longer so frail looking I was not and never going to be at his lvel of beauty. I was now

"Um, hey, you're Patroclus right?" he says. I nod. "So what are you doing laying on a bench? Shouldn't you be at home or something?"

And because I have no reason other than my pride not to, I tell him my unfortunate truth.

"Well, look, I've got an apartment of my own now and you can stay with me for now. Also, fortunately for you, I am very good at pretending to be a woman and would happily pretend to be you're fiance when the time comes."

"As great as all that sounds, may I ask why you're doing it?"I replied, half shocked.

'I'm doing this because you're the realest person I know. And plus I'm as much of a disappointment to my mother as you are to your father. "

"Thankyou.. and ouch."

"Come on, its not too far from here."

We headed back to his apartment, a overall gray place. There was a large kitchen with charcoal cabinets and marble floors. Then a living room with a very large couch, a cherry wood coffee table, and a thick carpet.

" You can either sleep out here on the couch or in my bed, sleepover style. Me and the bathroom are down the hall. Also consider my clothes yours." He announces.

'Okay, sounds good. Um, I'll do stuff around the house until I find a job. And thanks so much I know its a lot." I fumble out.

"No problem, and hey, you don't even have to find a job if you don't wanna, I barely even have one, if you'll do house stuff i'd just tell you to get a hobby. Aren't you good at art or something?" He says.


"Well then we'll go out and get you supplies later"

"Are you sure? This seems like a lot" I ask.

"As long as you'll be my friend," he replies.

"Its a deal then"

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